Chapter 8

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Aria's POV

"Maya, could you please double check on the files of the patients we have in the ICU before sending it to Doctor Avery and Hunt. Thank you."

My whole team was busy preparing our transfer of patients to other doctors. So we have to make sure not to leave a single detail of their medical history and treatments they have and had in our hospital.

This means a lot of paper work and report typings for me. The best part. All to be completed by tomorrow afternoon, it's currently Thursday. So with all this work, the head of General Surgery has stopped our team from receiving any on call emergencies and clinic duties.

"Doctor Johnson? A man by the name Mateo Rodriguez is looking for you at the waiting area." One of my nurses tapped on my shoulder.

I looked up and scrunched my nose to push up my glasses giving him a dorkish-nerd look.

"I'm busy." I narrowed my eyes and turned back to my computer screen and resumed my typing.

The silence surrounding the front desk makes the key clacking even more pronounced. ASMR.

"I can see that and I told him. But he kept pressing to meet you." The nurse said again and I can hear the agitation in his voice.

"Tell him-"

"Doctor Johnson." He raised his voice making me jolt a little in my seat. If he wanted my attention he finally got it.

"I am not an owl. I have patients to tend to. So please-" He huffed out and stormed away.

I looked around and saw some nurses staring at me with a displeased look and some even glared.

"Back to work. Nothing to stare at." I hissed before marching over to the waiting area.

Storming through the halls of room occupied by patients, which I have the intense itch to just take a chart and read it to see why they were here for...

Seeing a man with broad shoulders, a quiff hairstyle dressed in a suit and black office shoes. That's him alright.

"Mr Rodriguez. To what do I owe the pleasure for you wanting to meet me." I plastered a fake smile but I'm sure he can see it through. From his perspective I might just look annoyed which I am.

"Aria. It's good to see you again. You look great." He smiled scanning me head to toe.

I sighed heavily looking at the ground before looking back up at him again, trying to find inner peace.

He looks good too... let's jump him.

Ok- no no no. Shush.

"Stop with the formalities. What do you want. I have a ton of work to do." I pressed, feeling nervous from leaving my work alone for 5 minutes. I just want to get back to it, honestly.

"Ok... I'm leaving." He stared straight into my eyes with a emotionless face.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm leaving the country. I will be away, for business."

My heart ached slightly hearing this... why though? He left him alone at his parents house. I got humiliated when his parents had to speak up for him.

So why pain.

"Why are you telling me this. I'm not your parents. Not your business associates. And certainly not your girlfriend." I frowned crossing my arms together.

"I just wanted to say how sorry I am for leaving you during the charity event-"

"We wouldn't have worked anyways." I cut him off.

Mateo looked taken aback and he straightened himself after digesting my words.

I moved my foot, not being able to stand still anymore from the awkwardness.

"Your right. We would never have worked." He breathed and checked his watch.

Well. I did say it first but my heart hurt even more when he said it back.

You deserve it for saying it first. He is taking revenge.

"We are both busy people. I don't think we would have found the time for each other." I said trying to soften the blow of my words before and maybe change the reason behind the words.

At least he won't think it's because of his jerk-ish ways that caused the words to come out of my mouth.

The least I could do is give him a better reason. We aren't gonna see each other in anymore so I don't see what's wrong with that.

"Right, right. Busy people..." He muttered.

"Have a good life Aria Johnson." Mateo walked over to me and kissed my cheek before turning away quickly and stalking off.

I watch his back as he walks away from me. Lifting my hand to touch the spot he kissed my cheek, I could still feel his warmth.

My whole body slumped after Mateo's silhouette disappeared from my eye sight and I trudged back to my work station.

Goodbye Mateo Rodriguez.

Mateo's POV

We wouldn't have worked anyways.

How could she just say it so casually. Like it didn't mean anything.

I felt the connection and I'm sure as hell she felt it too.

Remove me being a jerk from the equation but I did feel something for that woman.

I walked out of the hospital and looked at the building...

"I'm never feeling this shit again."

Re-edited: 5/10/20

Helping Mr. Mafia. (COMPLETED) (Heavy Editing!!!)Where stories live. Discover now