Chapter 38

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I'm dedicating this chapter to MinxGenie thank you for the book cover!

Aria's POV

I woke up too feel warmth...

Opening my eyes slowly, I saw Mateo's sleeping face.

Yes we slept yesterday.

Not sex! We just 'slept' together.

Needing too go to the toilet, I tried to wiggle my way out of Mateo's arms.

Or what I call. Prison of warmth and awesomeness.

"Stop Cara... sleep..." Mateo mutter before snoring softly going faint on the pillow.

"Mateo I need to pee. I'm not a elephant." I groaned.

Sighing he reluctantly let me go.

Running tripping a bit, I finished my business in the bathroom.

I think I'll make breakfast. Maybe on a good mood he'll tell me about Celeste. He did promise.

Mateo doesn't really have a choice. Just puttin out there.

Quickly making breakfast.

Setting up the plates Mateo came down smiling.

Smiling back trying to get him too tell me.

"Ok. Whats up with you. You're acting all...weird." He frowned cutely.

"Ugh, fine i want you to keep your promise and tell me what the hell happened last week."

He put his knife and fork down and looked at me.

"You really really really want too know do you."

"What do you think."

"Celeste...she's my first girlfriend. Actually girlfriend. Her sister. Monique. Was in a small gang/mafia. Celeste didn't knew so when she found out she started to pry. I got too know her and soon I fell for her. Deep love. Since it was my first time feeling real love from another. Celeste was special too me. My enemies found out she was my weakness. So they captured her and killed her in front of me. Monique fell into depression and blamed herself. But soon her got herself together and went back too normal. She came last week because it was Celeste's death anniversary. Monique came here too visit her."

"Oh...thank you for telling me. I didn't know she meant that much." Jealousy creeping to me.

He quickly walked to me and crouched to my level.

"No Aria you meant just as much as her. Even more that it scares me. She's just like family. A close person. Please don't think your second and she's first. It's not you are both the same just that you're here. I treasure you more. I'll always protect you."

Looking at him I smiled softly.

Leaning in I kissed his softly.

Getting a bit heated here! Proceed with caution please!~

Readers who don't want to read disgusting stuff. Um... skip?

Soon the kiss became hungry and passionate.

I moaned and tugged his hair making him groan.

Mateo's hand slipped to my waist and hoisted me.

Helping Mr. Mafia. (COMPLETED) (Heavy Editing!!!)Where stories live. Discover now