Chapter 1.

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New Beginnings.

Kimani P.O.V

I dried my skin off as I looked at my outfit on the bed once more. It was now the beginning of September and it was still warm enough to wear basically anything really I guess. I had laid out a plain white tee, boyfriend jeans and some Adidas superstar originals, just the black and white ones. I was gonna go to the shopping centre quickly to get a few more supplies for the new school year, such as pens, school diary and other supplies. I put my phone back onto charge so that it could charge fully as I played Chance the Rapper.

"Man my daughter couldn't have a better mother, if she ever find anotherrrr, he better lover herrr!" I screamed that part as I applied cream to my ashy body. Using black soap legit makes you dry as hell, come out looking like Casper the ghost. Once I was dressed I took my hair our of my bonnet and headscarf, faaack you know about double protection, I spent about 15 minutes trying to and finally succeeding to put it in a bun on the top of my head and then slicked and slayed my baby hair, YASSSS! I then applied some Vaseline before I did my eyebrows, I didn't like to wear makeup on a daily basis, like what is the actual point? Then again its about preference, Asia wears it just because 'it's fun to do.' I got my khaki bomber jacket and side bag before going into the kitchen to quickly get some ready made pancakes.

I texted Shemika to come to my house so we could go as Asia was in Kent visiting family, so it was just 2 out of the three musketeers. She replied saying she was on the bus on her way, she was only about 2 more stops meaning I needed to eat my Tesco brand pancakes before she comes.

- - -

"I actually can't believe we're gonna be in colly, next week!" Shemika said jumping on the seat of the bus, making me sink into my chair and laugh, we were on a public bus and this girl was acting a fool. "Naah, imagine meeting bae at colly, that would be sick!" I mentally rolled my eyes and just smiled as she was engulfed in excitement. But she was right, finally going to be in college, a whole new beginning, new people, new everything. I was going to try and embrace myself this year and not be so distant, but I guess it's just a habit of mine.

Westfield Stratford.

We got off the bus and walked into the shopping centre. I had around £200 in my bank account as I just got paid from work, don't get me wrong I'm not gonna come and splurge out but I just wanted a few more things from the shopping centre. "Mani, I'm not even gonna lie, I need to buy some clothes, because I don't know what kind of winter my mom tried to prepare me for, but I'm sweating look." she said raising her arms up revealing sweat marks. I nearly cried in laughter as I put her arms down.

"You're actually special, did you know that?" I asked shaking my head at this mess of a friend. We walked in and I just face palmed myself. There were people rushing all around with arms full of shopping bags, I even got barged into and screwed up my face, rude. "Come let's go to Bershka please." I said as I dragged her to the shop. We walked in and it was like the whole of London was in there, we barged and shoved to get to the sales rack, what, don't judge. I got a pair of ripped jeans, a few tops and shirts and a skirt. I didn't wanna spend too much money.

"That will be £58.99." The cashier woman said rolling her eyes as she watched the girls in the shop messing up the displays, I put my card into the card reader and typed in my pin and she handed me my stuff trying to smile, but it was just awkward. I waited as Shemika got her bag and walked towards me. "Where next?" she asked looking at me.

"I dunno, where do you wanna go?" I asked looking at her. She rose her eyebrows and said, "WAAAIT, didn't you say you needed school supplies." I looked shocked and she smiled as she grabbed me out of the shop. What's wrong with me. I came here and I haven't even purchased what I actually came for. "I'm actually slow wow." I said as I looked at her still shaking her head.


The day went by quite fast and it was now 6pm, we got to the shopping centre at 2pm, 4 whole hours wow. We were now sitting at the food court eating our subway at the high tables. "Aye let me chat to you quick." I heard come from behind us. I didn't bother looking back as I knew it was for Shemika. "Lightie lemme holla you quick." Shemika looked at me, rolled her eyes and continued eating her food. "Calm, you're both clapped anyways." He said as we watched him walk away, we both laughed and shook our heads... but wait. Why did he say we're both clapped, I didn't even do anything. I shrugged and got up as we went to the train station to catch a train home.

One week later. . .

"How you do like that uzi, how do you like that uziiii." I sang as I highlighted my face. "yasss, how you highlight like mani, how you highlight like that mani." I was glowing huntyyy. I actually beat the f outta my face for the first day of school. I was prepared, I had my handbag filled with the essentials, notepads, pencil case, cream, Vaseline, perfume, keys, purse etc. I had on my black 'vellex' top, black high waisted jeans and black and white vans with my khaki bomber jacket and gold chain, haaa f with a jigga! I was beat to the God's with no flashback and my hair was in two space buns with my baby hair slayed and layed. I wanted to make a mark in school, for once.

I took a few shots of myself... but then I remembered, I'm not confident enough to do everything I want to, I'm just gonna get shut down, 'look at her trying to look peng.' I tried to shake these thoughts out of my head and put my phone into my backpocket as I walked into the kitchen to get a crossaint. "Is that MY daughter!" My mom yelled as she walked into the kitchen with her robe. "My daughter looks soo beautiful!" She said as she held me into a tight embrace. I laughed and gasped for air.

"Thanks my mom, love you." I said as she stood back in awe by the door. I am mixed, half Jamaican and wait for it Sierra Leonian. Yep. What a mix. I live with my mom so I just claim my Sierra Leonian side as people thinking I'm lying when I say I'm 'mixed' and they only meet my mom. "This na mi pikin boh, tenkey papa God for blessing me wit this pikin." (Is this my child, thank your God for blessing me with this child.) My mom was young but still had her moments where she acted all mushy and mommy like. I smiled as I swallowed my last bit of pancake and felt my but vibrate.

Asiaaa calling . . .

"Yo Asia, I'm about to leave are you ready?" I asked as I put my plate in the sink.

"Yeah, I'm at the bus stop wating for Shemika to come as well and -" our conversation was interrupted with the screams of Shemika and Asia as they screamed over their outfits. "You look PENG oh my days, naah Mani hurry up and come please!" she hung up and I kissed my mom on the cheek and left my house. I walked hella fast to the bus stop and as soon as Shemika and Asia saw me they screamed causing some of the boys and girls to stare at us. I hugged them as we waited at the bus stop for our bus to go to our college.

"Colly girls you know!" I said as we sat on the upper deck of the bus. There was something making me nervous excited, scared, ecstatic and I just felt soo happy to be going to have new beginnings. We made snaps on snapchat, Asia had loads of people as she sang on Instagram and Shemika had around 200 and I had about 10. Yeah I know sad right, I didn't really vibe with other people, okay I exaggerated I had about 50 but that's about it. I didn't use it that much either.

I stood in awe as I saw Raodville College, I walked in with my girlies by my side. I couldn't allow anyone mess up this new life, new experience.

This new beginning.

Round 2 YAH DONE.

There you go Chapter 1.

Feel free to comment on the chapter and tell me where you feel as I need to improve. I'm gonna enjoy this book and try and actually be on time with posting for this but I have loads of work. I'm about to do some right now LOL.

Oh yeah, Happpy Thanksgiving everyone, I'm British so I'm just here crying over the snapchats I'm seeing with food.

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Byeee, have a good day, morning, afternoon, evening or night!

Muah x.
P.s my fault, when I said mix I didn't mean race but her nationality dont worry she's ALLLL THEE WAAAY BLACK!

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