Chapter 3.

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Hidden Stories.

Christian's P.O.V

I got home and slumped onto my couch, today wasn't even a proper beginning to college life, but I went to bed hella late suffering from mad insomnia lately but that was due to my depression, depression can get to you at times. My dad just got sent to jail for attempted murder, my mother doesn't wanna take her pills and wants do overtime and all my siblings that live with me are basically my kids, my brothers out late in the streets doing whatever her thinks 'is going to help', my sister is doing the most with her man. How can I sleep?




"Please stop Mich-" He hit her again, no he punched her again, the use of hit makes it seem bearable. The second time this week, this man is crazy, this man is insane, this man isn't a man, this man is, is, is my Dad. I held my little sister Milani in my arms and rocked her in my bedroom as her twin sister cried into my bed covers. I hated having to be part of this family, if it's not my mom and my brother arguing it's my dad beating my mom or it's my big sister asking for help, money or something.




I put Milani next to Mikayla and got up, since my brother left the house I had to be 'the man' and my older sister lived on her own with her bummy boyfriend. I went into the kicthen and did what I tried to. "AYEE DAD STOP MAN!" He looked at me as I watched my mother crawl behind me, as I quickly took into the surroundings I could see the bin filled with alcoholic beverages, beers, wine, tonic etc. I clenched my jaw as I heard my dads heavy footsteps come closer towards me.

He tried to swing for me but missed as the liquour was not only making him slow but was also leaving him sloppy wiht his hits. My dad was built heavy AF, I was lowkey thinking why did I come down here when I know I can't do anything to stop him but if I can shield her from atleast two blows then it makes everything better for me. He swung again and landed a direct hit in my chest, I firmed it and took a deep breathe as I ran towards him and tried to tackle his huge frame. He moved back and stumbled but didn't hit the ground as I intended to do so. He smirked and asked, "Are you challenging me?" I shook my head as he swung at me again. I was recieving blows after blows to the body and as much as it was hurting hearing my mothers piercing cry for help, empathy, forgiveness and wait FORGIVENESS FOR WHAT!? He hits her for no reason and then explains it with a bullshit excuse like he was angry, my mothers heart fractured but big.

The stomping, kicking and hitting stopped and I thought he had come to his senses but no, he went straight for my mother. He grabbed her by the throat as she tried to call the police or whoever she was trying to reach. He snatched it and sniggered, "Your sister does not want you, your family doesn't need you." He threw the phone to the ground allowing pieces of glass to disperse from the phone.

"I-I-I c-c-c-ant bre." The veins in his arms became more apparent indicating he was grabbing her neck harder, tears started to drop from her cheek as she started banging on his chest. I got up with what evver ounce of strength I had and hit him in his back causing him to let go of my mom and wince in slight pain. He walked to the drawer and got a knife from the drawer and charged at me. I screamed in pain as he slashed my arm with the knife. He looked unsatisfied and was just about to hit me again then..

Two thuds were heard at the door causing my dad to stop in his tracks and drop the knife, he looked at my mom, me, mom, me, mom. The thuds were getting louder as we heard the muffled sounds of, "It's the police open up!" My dads eyes narrowed as he looked at us. He walked to the door and opened it up slightly. I could barely hear the beginning of the conversation but the conversationg became heated as my dad began to yell at the officers saying things like, 'nothing is going on.' 'what business do you have in my yard?' 'LEAVE MY HOUSE!" Suddenly, I saw a police officer appear at the front of my kitchen, "Yes, there seems to be a young boy and a woman, they seem to be injured,' she said taling into a walkie talkie, she then noticed my arm. 'We need first aid pronto the young boy has been cut." She walked over to me to see my cut and ...

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