Chapter 22

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*DISCLAIMER* I am on a half term break from school but this break is meant to be used so that I can revise for my upcoming exams, these exams will be crucial to whether I get into the Universities I want to go to, so please take that into consideration.


Kimani's House, Tuesday, 12pm

Kimani's P.O.V

I changed the song to SZA - twoAM and continued to figure out part a of my math problem. Who possessed me and told me to pick Maths A-Level needs to come and meet me outside and square up because this is no joke. If I get part a wrong the WHOLE thing is incorrect and if the WHOLE thing is incorrect then I loose marks and get further away from my A. I continued to attempt the question but it was like something was plaguing my mind. "Ugh, that's wrong.' I said erasing my work with my eraser and began tapping it to the beat of the song.

"Kimani, I'm going to work now, I don't know when I'll be back, stay safe OK." My mom said walking into the living room. I stood up and walked over to her and hugged her, my heart began to thump. I wanted to ask her sooo badly, imagine if she says no and I've already told Chris yes or she says something like, 'that's it you're not allowed out' or ..

"Mummy, can I ask you something?" I asked sitting down on the sofa.

"You mean another question because that was one, bada ching." She said pretending to play the drums, she's in a good mood so I guess I'm in the clear somewhat.

"Can I have a boyfriend?" I quickly asked looking down at my nails, my index nail was chipped. I heard her sit down on the sofa as she took my hands and placed them in her lap.

"Look at me Kimani." She sighed looking at me with compassion in her eyes. "If I say no, you'll hate me, date behind my back and then turn out like me and have an unexpected blessing but if I say yes, you'll look at me and thank me but IF something goes wrong I'll have guilt stain my heart." She said still holding my hands, she now clasped them and continued. "If you date, who would it be, JJ?"

Eww, no what the fuck, no, never, nope. I shook my head softly causing her to smirk, I haven't had the opportunity to talk to her recently as she's always at work or at her friend's house and I'm at school.

"Come on, I know you and JJ like one another, I'm not stupid." She continued.

"We, we stopped talking recently." I whispered, my moms facial expression dropped and she did the Wocka Flocka face and then continued to talk to me about boyfriends.

"Well that is awkward, we need to talk more but what I'm saying it yes you can date but don't date someone who will treat you like anything less of a Queen, don't date someone who only sees you as an object, don't date someone who wants you for just one thing you offer, date someone who wants all of you, not just your looks, or personality or soul but all three." She said smiling kissing my hands. "I hate your father but we'll find them and fuck them up if they mess up and I'd rather it not be messy."

I laughed and hugged her. "Thank you Mummy." I squealed into her ear.

"Whose the unlucky boy?" She asked getting up, fixing her hair, it was silk pressed and you could see her growth from just under her jaw to her shoulders.

"Well Christian aske- wait unlucky?" I laughed looking at her, cheeky.

"Who said that?" She laughed running out of the house. I fell back into the chair and sighed with relief. 16 years of living and I was going to finally have a boyfriend. What do you even do, do you kiss and hug all the time or do you just chill like you're still friends or do you go on dates and watch annoying rainy movies ...

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