Chapter 2.

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Omniscient P.O.V

All the new students gathered in the main hall with anticipation and excitement. Kimani, Asia and Shemika sat in the second row as they waited for the head teacher to come and greet them into the new school, Roadville College. "There's bare peng tings!" Asia squealed as she held Kimani and Shemika's hands. They all laughed and continued to talk as the head teacher appeared from the two double doors which led to the main hall. "Good morning class off 2018, welcome to Roadville College, I can see many students who want to achieve, succeed and become something. I am proud to be the head teacher of the college and also the head teacher of you bright new students!" He continued on with his welcoming speech, telling the students about rules, such as clothing, smoking and also the generic things such as timetables, lanyards, cards, money etc. "Upon arrival you were all given a room to which you should go to, this will be your tutorial groups, some of which have left schools, calling it Form,Coaching, Homeroom and other names, but here at Roadville college it is called Tutorial, you will be assigned your mentors who will tell you there specific jobs once you have met them. Now I hand over to Mrs DuBay."

An old white woman appeared and stood behind the podium. "Good morning Students." The whole hall echoed a good morning response back, in which she smiled back. "One by one I will call out the names of the rooms and if you are in those rooms then please stand up and go to that teacher, thank you." She shuffled some papers and fixed her glasses on her face. "Quiet please, you are all old enough to act civilised so please act accordingly as I assign your rooms and tutors." The halls shouts and conversations were turned to whispers and eye rolls. Kimani looked at her paper as it read K223. Mrs /DaBay began to call out the different room numbers. "K223, you will be having Miss Nagouri, please stand up and walk to her." Around 15 students stood unison and looked around analysing their new peers. Kimani hugged Asia as she walked away, Shemika's tutor had already been called out leaving Asia in the hall alone.

"Hey you guys, follow me and I'll show you were we will meet every Monday!" she said as she smiled brightly, she was a South Asian teacher who had light skin, bright green eyes and distinct features, she was slender and had a nose piercing in her nose, thick arched eyebrows and bright white teeth which gleamed when she smiled. Kimani was in full awe as she saw her tutor, she watched as her jet black hair swayed from side to side near the end of her back. "Nice jacket, everyone's in love with these aren't they?" she asked snapping Kimani out of her daydream, she nodded and smiled as she replied with a quiet "yes." They walked through the maze of the school and arrived at K223. "Here it is, our tutor room." She turned the handle and walked in, the class hurried behind her and sat down at different seats, the class had 5 tables meaning three could sit at table or they could huddle at different tables, Kimani sat the back table by herself. It was a relapse for Kimani, new environment, new people, new teacher but still the old Kimani, Kimani's eyes roamed the room as she watched all her classmates blend in and Kimani stood out, the darkest, the ugliest, Kimani.

"Okaaaaay Classsss!" Miss Nadouri said dragging out her words with excitement. "Let's do the boring stuff and then we can get to know one another!" she said as she clicked onto a presentation that she had to show the class

Kimani's P.O.V

I sat there by myself as I saw Miss explain to the class expectations for the year and different things which we most probably already knew but was part of the 'protocol.' "Kimani, why don't you sit on one of the other tables?" Miss Nadouri asked from the front of the room, i saw everyone turn around and look at me as I looked up with a straight face. "Uhm no I'm fine here miss." I said from the back, she shrugged and continued with her Powerpoint presentations. The bell rang indicating the session was over. I sighed in relief like Amen and thank you, I'm tired of being in that classroom with all those people. Being socially awkward in a room full of strangers just makes everything ten times worse.

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