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I walked in the museum. I had been looking a long time for it and now this particular museum had it.

My sword.

I looked at the guard and smiled as I walked through the door. He smiled back. I went to the counter and bought my ticket. I looked back at the guard.

His name was Matt and we had been friend a for a very long time. He was one of my fallen comrades. We had been looking a long time. Then he decided to get a job at the museum. He told me about the sword. I followed the guide in front of me to the Norse mythology section.

"Welcome I am your guide, my name is John." He turned to look at me. in his group there was an old couple, a young boy with his mother and me.

"We are going to be looking at the Norse mythology part because a new addition has been brought in from the Baltic Sea."

Our group went along. He told stories of Thor and Loki. I already knew my own history so I tuned out his foolish words. None of these humans really knew what was going on around them.

"And now I show the newest addition, a sword of one of the greatest warriors. Who is this warrior? No one knows?!" He moved aside and showed us.

There it lay in a display case. No signs if damage from the humans. At least it stayed hidden from them all these years.

I stared at it. If I could get it back maybe I could return to Asgard. I could only imagine the look on Odins face when he saw me. Even Loki and Thor would be surprised.

"Miss? We are going to the next exhibit," the guide broke my thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's just I taught about Norse mythology in my college class last month and seeing this makes me feel so.....alive." I spoke softly. I smiled awkwardly.

"Really? That's incredible," the guide beemed, "but let us venture forward."

It seemed that the rest if the tour took forever. I had lived through everything that was spoken about on the tour.

"Alright, thank you all for coming, have a nice night," the guide waved us goodbye. All of the group dispersed. I waited for a bit.

"Oh good I'm glad you stayed I wanted to show you that sword again if you would like," the guide smiled.

"Yes please," I smiled back.

We walked to the sword. A beautiful thing. All Asgardian with the fighting skills of Odin.

"Now normal I'm not suppose to do this but because you seem like a smart woman I figured you knew a lot about this sword." the guide said.

I looked over to the door. Matt stood there. I nodded my head as the guide looked at the display.

"Isn't the museum closing in a bit?" I asked.

"Yes but I don't think anyone will notice if you just pretend you are a professor ," the guide smiled.

I smiled back. A few minutes later everyone was out of the museum except me, the guide and Matt.

Matt nodded to me as he walked towards the surveillance room.

"So it seemed as though this metal isn't even rusted but it was found in the sea, did you check the type?" I questioned.

"Yes, but we couldn't find any metal that matched it, it was so strange," he scratched his head.

Matt came back out and nodded.

"That's because it's not of Earth," I elbowed the guide in the face. He stumbled back and fell on his face. He blacked out. I touched his forehead and said a chant under my breath. He now knew nothing about me.

"Damn, that had to hurt," Matt jogged up. A smile across his face.

"Ha, I barely touched him," I laughed.

I slammed my fist into the display case. I felt my hand. Not a single scratch. I reached for the sword. I held it in my hand. It felt good in my hand.

I maneuvered it across a fake statute. It split into four pieces. I smiled.

"Remind me not to piss you off," Matt chuckled.

"Let's go," I grabbed my hand bag and together we got out of the museum. We got into my car and we drove to my apartment.

"So you got your sword now what?" Matt asked.

"I'm thinking I should try and go back to Asgard," I pulled onto my street. I parked the car.

"That's gunna be a hell of a task," he spoke.

I stared at the sign for the new building. The Stark Tower.

"I hope so," I whispered.

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