Chapter Seventeen~

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"Why are you here?! Leave!" I hear as I get to the dorm.

My eyes widen and I run inside.

When Jin sees me his faces hardens.

"Why is she here Namjoon?!" He yells.

Just then she turns and my words get caught in my throat.

Her hair had grown long and down to her waist and she seemed to have lost a lot of weight because now her face was way slimmer along with her body.

"Joonie." She says, a smile appearing on her face.

The nickname made my heart clench.

"Get her out of here." Jin growls lowly.

He hated her.

All of the members hated her.

But I, I loved her.

I wasn't in love with her but I loved her.

It made sense.

At least to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask once I'm able to find some words.

"I missed you, Joon." she says.

"I see you haven't changed. Always lieing." Jin says.

"Get her out of here or so help me Namjoon." He hisses as he walks out of the room.

"I'm not lying ya know." She smiles as she comes closer to me.

The only reason Min-hee and I broke up was because she moved.

It wasn't because we hated each other or because of something bad.

We promised we'd be in love forever.

The guys only hated her because when she left I broke and they blame her for it.

Other than that she never did me wrong.

"I really missed you Joonie." She says as she rests her hand on the side of my face.

"I missed you -"

"Namjoon? What are you..?" I hear and my eyes widen as I turn to face Min.

At her side I see Y/n staring at us with a look I didn't understand but soon her eyes fall from us as her face returns neutral.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask as I take a step back.

"Well Y/n told me you ran home and I figured something was wrong but after she told me how much fun you two had I assumed you'd want to hear something but I see you're busy." she says as her eyes meet Min-hee.

"Oh no, this isn't what-" but I'm cut off by Min-hee.

"Hi! I'm Min-hee. Namjoon's girlfriend, kinda." She grins as she sticks her hand out.

My eyes widen as Y/n remains the same.

"Min-hee....wait a minute! You're the girl that Namjoonie-oppa use to talk about all the time! His first love!" Min says loudly and it sends daggers through me.

"That's me!" She smiles and I look over at Y/n just as she sets my jacket on the couch and walks out the front door.

"Y/n wait!" I call but she continues to walk away.

I go to run after her but Min-hee grabs onto my arm.

"Where are you going Joonie? I just got here." she says and I look at where Y/n once was as my chest aches.

"Min." I start but Min snaps out of her fangirl daze and her face hardens.

"Don't worry about Y/n anymore. Just focus on this." she says as she motions between Min-hee and I.


"Tell Hoseok I'll see him tomorrow." She says before turning on her heels and running out. 

Everything was slipping right out of my fingers in that moment.

"Let's catch up." Min-hee smiles as she sits down on the couch and pats the seat.

I let out a breath and sit down beside her.

"So, who were those girls?" She smiles.

"Friends." I say and she nods.

"Ah, they're cute."

Of course I already knew that though.

"Anyways, now that I'm back maybe we could continue where we left off." She smiles widely.

"Actually.." I begin and she pulls her lips in.

"It's the girl that ran away isn't it?" She asks.

"It is." I say and she smiles and lays her hand on mine.

"It's okay Namjoon. I understand. People move on. I just hope we can continue to be friends." She says.

"Of course we can." I smile back.

"I should get going. Tell the girls it was nice meeting them and maybe we can all hang out tomorrow." Min-hee says as she stands up.

"It's late, you should stay." I say but she shakes her head.

"That's not a good idea Namjoon. I have to move on too. If I stay it won't help." she laughs a little.

I nod understanding and watch as she waves goodbye.

Once she's gone I run my fingers through my hair with a long sigh.

I just did that even though I knew Y/n didn't like me...

What am I supposed to do?

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