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        16 YEARS AGO

 " Sarah, they found us. Hide in the study with the girls." David yelled at his wife. He would do anything for his family, especially his girls who he knew were going to leave an impact in Witch and Vampire history. They were both so tiny and fragile, but tough and demanding, even at this early age.

Suddenly the front door blows in. David braces himself for what is coming next. But all the preparing in the world wouldn't have him prepared for what, or rather who, came in the door next. 

"John?" David exclaimed in disbelief. 

"Hello brother, where are the girls?' John asked with a sneer on his face.

"I'll never tell you." David said in difiance. He would not go without a fight. 

"Boys, search every room and bring them all to me." John ordered the rouges he had brought with him.

Minutes later, one of the Rouges come in with Sarah holding two crying baby girls. 

"Any last wishes Sarah?" John asked the love of his life. He rather she be dead than with his brother. 

"Take care of my girls will you?" she asked. Deep down she knew that John was a good man. It was tragic that it had come to this.

"John, don't kill her!" David exclaimed just as John was about to plunge the knife into Sarah's heart.

"Why David, Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill her." John asks David.

"She's pregnant!" 

"David, you and I both know that she isn't. But maybe i will keep her alive. We can raise your girls as our own. They'll never know a David existed. But I can't live with her, knowing that she chose a dirty bloodsucker instead of me!"

With that he brought down the blade against Sarah's chest and watched as the life slowly left her eyes. John shed a single tear before turning to his older brother. 

"Any last words, David?" John asked his once again.

"Take care of my girls." David asked of his brother, just as Sarah had done, before closing his eyes.

John riped the dagger out of Sarah's body and plunged it in one sift motion into David's chest. Then he grabbed a stake and drove into his brother heart. At the feeling of the stake David's eye shot wide open. He saw a hazy image of John picking up the girls before he blacked out.

John tried to harm the baby girls but found he couldn't. Just before killing one of them, she opened her eyes and he saw that they both had Sarah's eyes. Rich brown with golden flecks in them. With that he picked up the girls and left the house and the bodies laying on the floor. He picked up his phone and called the covens in a confereance call. Told them that he went to visit and found only the girls alive. That was the lie he feed the girls for many years until they discovered the truth themselves.

RULERS OF THE UNDEAD (sequel to SLAYERS OF THE UNDEAD)Where stories live. Discover now