Chapter 13

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*not edited so if a food name is somewhere in there i'm sorry but I am hungry*


Lexi was gone so the next day I started packing also. Not caring to fill anyone in the house in. I was tired of all my freaking soulmates, couldn't life just leave me the freak alone. I considered laying down on the tracks of a train to put me out of my misery but decided against because maybe life would screw me over, I would probably make it but the train would probably be damaged beyond repair. "Just like my life," I whispered out loud.

"Princess just calm down, I can feel all of your tense nerves," I suddenly heard Eric behind me. "HEY IDIOT DON'T CALL HER PRINCESS ONLY I CAN CALL HER THAT!" screamed Jace. "I CAN CALL HER WHAT I WANT TO CALL HER BLOODSUCKER!" screamed Eric back. "I SO FUC-" "WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP!" I screamed frustrated not even bothering to turn around and look at them. "I'm sorry," apologized Eric. "I'm also sorry," said Jace.

I tried to hold it in but finally my face started to fall and I felt a tear roll down my cheek and soon others started to roll down too. I felt Jace and Eric on both sides of me trying to comfort me and trying not to fight with each other. They both rubbed me back which started to calm me down a lot. "What's wrong?" They both asked at the same time. I could feel them giving each other looks.

I sighed, closing my eyes.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING!" I heard Eric yell. I opened my eyes fast to see that I was floating and I was inside a  sphere. The guys started to freak out but I tried to block them out. I put my hand up against the sphere and concentrated my powers on trying to get it open. All of a sudden I saw a bright blinding light that forced me to close my eyes.

Once the blinding light disappeared I was able to open my eyes and was surprised to find myself in a cave that had everything a house would need inside.

The dry herbs hanging from the walls seemed to call me. My eyes grew wide as I realized more than half of these herbs were rare to find. 'Why am I not freaking out yet', I thought inside my head. 'That is because I called you here with no intention of harming you,' I heard a calm beautiful voice respond back inside my head. 'If you have called me here than why have you yet to show yourself to me?' I questioned her.

"Because I did not want to frighten you," I heard a voice beside me. I was startled but looked at the little old lady beside me. She had unusually white hair, her face looked young yet old at the same time as if it couldn't make up its mind on what it wanted to be. I looked into her eyes was started by her completely white eyes. I knew she was blind by her eyes. As she turned away from me I was a bit shocked that she knew where everything was as she moved around. "You may stop gawking at me now." "Sorry, I didn't mean to," I apologized for my rudeness.

"What's your name?" I asked her. "I have many names and come from many tales, Osarna, Perfane, Gallalia, Zari, and many more." My eyes widened remembering her name from the legends that have been told. She was a powerful witch along with her brother. It was said that they had died long ago but many still believed they were alive.

She came back towards me. "Come lets go to my living room." I followed her as she led me towards a door, she opened it and led me inside. She ushered me to sit on her couch. She sat across from me.

"Your uncle as you know wants a hold of you and your sister but there's other reasons why he wants you. There's many things he is considering at this point. He knows my dear that you and your sister will become so full of power, you will surpass even the greatest witches of all time. One of the things he is thinking of doing is harnessing your powers and trying to make them his. Another is breeding you and your sister to have many children and sleep with only the top witches." I shuddered at her last statement.

"I cannot help you as much as I would like my child I can only guide you but only for a certain time."

She gave me a pained expression. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I know this is cliche of me to say but remember that power can turn even the goodest of witches bad. Now I must send you back, the people in the room with you at the time that I took you will have no recollection of what happened. Oh and one more thing." She stood up and I stood up too she took both of my hands into hers. "I will see you again more than once, you will need my help."

She smiled up at me and I smiled back at her.

Her hold on my hands started to get strong. "Ouch!" I cried out in pain. Her hair started to whip all around her even though there was no wind. Her eyes started to turn black and empty. "Your first child shall die in your arms," an inhumane voice said. Just as quick as the sudden outburst had come it was gone. I starred at her unsure of what just happened.

"What did I say?" She asked in her normal voice. "You told my first child....would..die," my voice came out unsteady. "It was a vision."

"Do all of your visions involve you going crazy and almost breaking my hand!"

She chuckled a bit, "now back to the seriousness of this," she said, "unfortunately all my visions come true my dear I am sorry."

"You have got to be kidding me," I voiced my thoughts. "That's it I ain't having kids, I am not choosing a mate, I'll die before i let that happen," I knew I was rambling but I was tired of everything.

"Oh stop it, child you shall get over your fears now I have to send you back quick just keep calm and remember what we have talked about."

There was a bright flash again before I could respond.

I was packing again but I got up and walked down stairs. I ran into the guys on the stair. "Okay listen up! We're heading out in one hour. We will be traveling to get other covens to join our side and on the way see what information we can get on what John's stinky ass is up to." I didn't wait for their responce as I turned back around.

"That's my girl," I heard Jace say. "SHE'S MY GIRL!" I heard Eric yell back at Jace.

I didn't bother saying anything I just kept walking. With a smile on my face and a hint of sadness in my eyes. I wasn't about to let one witch's vision effect the outcome of this war when it came around I would deal with it at its own time.

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