Chapter 8

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"Sit down." Eric orders when we reach his study. I could sense Nikki in the house but I couldn't tell if she was close or far. Even though Eric ordered us to sit we remain standing. We aren't part of his coven so he can't order us around.

"No thank you, I just came by to tell you that my sister, whom you've kidnapped, is to leave with me today." I stand up straight, not letting him intimidate me.

He sits behind his desk and shoots me a dazzling smile, but I know all the tricks from guys like him. They'll smile at you, tell you you're beautiful, and promise you the world just to get what they want or need from you. "Your sister isn't here. She left yesterday with the vampire." His heart speeds up a fraction, barely anything, when he said that letting me know that he was lying.

My vampiric abilities were starting to develop, meaning that I could hear and see things that other witches couldn't. Xavier told me a while ago that once they're fully developed, they'll be stronger than any witch, vampire, or werewolf.

"Honey, you're lying so tell me the truth before I rip your head off, and trust me I will. I don't care if you have some claim over my sister but I do know that if you harm me, or anyone else she loves, she will personally rip your head off herself." I growl. The aggravation is a side effect of the vampire senses developing.

"She does t want to see you." Eric retorts. Xavier has been standing there not saying anything the whole time.

"Listen here. One, stop lying to my face, it's not going to get you any where. Two, if she didn't want to see me, why would she have called me? And three, you will bring her to me in ten minutes or less, or you will suffer the consequences. Got it!" As I talked I moved closer to him until I was leaning over his desk and growling in his face. He just lied and messed with the wrong girl.

He picked up the phone and shouted orders to bring Nikki to the study. "Oh and I want Jace in here too." I add.

"That bloodsucker is MY prisoner. You have no right to tell me to release him!"

"News flash idiot. That 'bloodsucker' you have as a prisoner is part of my coven, my sisters soulmate, and one of my best friends. So you either lest him go or keep him, but I suggest you let him GO!" When I said go I slam my hand on the desk, creating a crack down the middle.

Eric's eyes widen slightly and calls his servants to get Jace too.

"See everything would go so much smoother if you just cooperate with me." I smile slightly and get out of the position I'm in. Just then the door opens and Nikki is led threw carefully. Eric gets up and moves toward her but she elbows and pushes him out of the way and runs into my arms.

"Shhhh, it's okay. We'll get you and Jace out of here if it's the last thing I do." I whisper as I rub her back. I finally felt completely whole once again. The door opens once again and Jace gets roughly thrown inside. Nikki and I are at his side before the door even closes. Sure he might be Nikki's mate but I love him as a brother already.

"Nikki are you okay?" Jace asks her. Nikki nods and feeling like I'm intruding on an intimate moment I walk over to Xavier. He puts his arm around me and I wrap my arms around his waist. Eric looked like the odd man out.

Finally Jace gets up, with support from Nikki. Predicting that Eric wasn't feeding him blood I had a water bottle full of it in my satchel. I pull it out and hand it to Nikki and she aids him in drinking it.

"Come on guys let's go." Xavier finally speaks up. We turn to leave but Nikki jerks back.

"The bloodsucker can leave only if my mate stays!" I hear Eric growl.

Nikki walks up to Eric and slaps him across the face. "In case you haven't noticed, Jace is my mate also. I won't stay here willingly with you. I can stay but I'll find a way to leave. And remember, I could always reject you, but I'm not heartless like you. So either you let all four of us go, or you can get rejected in the worst way. If you let us go, I swear on the gods I'll give you a fair chance to win my heart over." By the end Nikki is almost sobbing and Eric looks pained that she would choose being with Jace over him, but even I could get were she was coming from. With that we turn and leave, leaving a shocked Eric in the study. We manage to get out of the house before a deep anguished cry was heard from inside the house.

Xavier's POV

I stood silently the whole time, watching my beautiful mate yell at the asshole that kidnapped her sister. I couldn't help but be worried for the poor guy. He angered her and if she wasn't ripping him a new one, then I would gladly do it. Suddenly I see that Eric picks up a phone and orders his servants to bring Nikki into the room. With amusement I watch as Lexi clutches his shirt and lifts him a little out of the office chair he's sitting in and orders him to bring Jace in too. I have to contain the urge to laugh at his expression. I bet Nikki wasn't very aggressive or difficult so he wasn't expecting Lexi to be like this. Usually she wasn't but recently the vampire senses have made her emotions make her seem like she's PMSing all the time,not only on her period.

A few minutes alter the door to the study opens and Nikki comes in and runs straight to Lexi's arms. The door opens again and Jace just gets thrown in. Nikki and Lexi move to him almost like they're the same person. Nikki starts to whisper to Jace and Lexi move to stand next to me. I can feel that she's happy that we didn't need the backup. I put my arm around her and she wraps her arms around me.

"Come on guys, let's go." I say once I see that Nikki and Jace are okay. We turn toward the door but Nikki gets jerked back. No one messes with my family. I turn around ready to fight whoever it is.

"The bloodsucker can leave only if my mate stays!" I hear Eric growl.

Nikki walks up to Eric and slaps him across the face. "In case you haven't noticed, Jace is my mate also. I won't stay here willingly with you. I can stay but I'll find a way to leave. And remember, I could always reject you, but I'm not heartless like you. So either you let all four of us go, or you can get rejected in the worst way. If you let us go, I swear on the gods I'll give you a fair chance to win my heart over." By the end Nikki is almost sobbing and Eric looks pained that she would choose being with Jace over him, but even I could get were she was coming from. Sure it hurts like hell when you're rejected but you could always fall in love with a human. As we leave the house I hear a anguished cry or a broken man. I can feel his pain. His mate just left him,but he's being overly dramatic. Nikki hasn't rejected him yet. She did say she would give him a chance, so not all hope was lost. Nikki buried her face in Jace's chest and Lexi in mine. Jace looked at me as we carried then to the car. I sigh as I drop Lexi in the passenger seat and head back to Alex.



Okay so this won't be the last time you hear about Eric. He'll be back in future chapters. And btw DONT BLACKMAIL ME blackmail carmen9797. Updates will be slightly slower once we get back to school and everything but wow two updates in one day! It's kinda short but it's the best I could do with writers block and not dragging it out too much.


I have a playlist that I only listen to when I'm writing. It's basically all IM5band songs, Justin Timberlake, and Midnight Red songs with a few extras like Fly Away Hero and Fall Out Boys.

Check out IM5 and MidNight Red if your a TOP40 type person or Fly Away Hero if your a rock type person.

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