Chapter 2

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I went to prom but I was uneasy the whole time. Nikki had shut me out before but with John on the loose it was hard not knowing what was going on. Half way through the night Xavier and I made an excuse to leave early, saying that I was tired, but I could tell no one believed us. It was prom night, the night that many teenage girls got pregnant. That was obviously not going to happen with us. We needed to make sure John couldn't find us.

"Give me your phone. I need to throw him off our tracks. We leave tonight, no matter what. He could already be on his way here." Xavier instructs as soon as we get home. "He's the one who bought this place, isn't he?" He asks. The way he was taking charge was hot but like he said we needed to make a clean getaway.

"Okay let me just get some necessary things for both us." I say with that I leave him in the living room with both our phones and go into our room. I grab some shorts, jeans, underwear, and long/short sleeved shirts for both of us. I throw in a couple of his hoodies and change out of the dress I was wearing. I send Vivianna a quick email telling her that something came up and I had to leave town, if there was anything she or her sister wanted from my closet they could have it and they could give what what they didn't want to goodwill or sell it. I really didn't care.

I meet Xavier in the living room. I see he already changed and is ready to go. We switch the license plates with ones he got at a junkyard on the way home from the dance. We hop into the car and head anywhere.


I wake up disorientated. Years of training kick in and I take in my surroundings. I turn around, check that I'm at a gas station, check that the door are unlocked before I remember that I'm on the run with Xavier. Just then I see him walk out of the gas station. It's still dark but it looks like the sun is rising.

"Hey, I got you something to drink. Be careful, it's hot." He hands me a styrofoam coffee cup. I hold it in my hands, just enjoying the warmth that radiates from the cup.

I take a small sip, scalding my tongue on the hot liquid, before turning to Xavier. "Do you have any idea where we're going?" I ask.

"I'm thinking Washington state. We have to stop in Las Vegas first so we can get fake documents. We go to Washington from there." He explains, turning on the car and heading out of the gas station. "We'll have to ditch the car and get a new one soon, we don't know if he's already started tracking us. We can stay with a coven member until we find a place of our own. Don't worry everything will be fine." He continues. We hit the highway in silence. A hour later we turn off into a town in Ohio.

"Some coven members live here, we can switch the cars. Stay here." With that he gets out of the car and walks to the front door. They talk for a few minutes before I see the women give him some keys. Xavier gives them ours and walks back to the car. "Come on, let's get going."

He leads us to an SUV and throws the duffel bags in the back. I get into the passenger seat and we take off once again.

We spend almost a week on the run, ditching cars every few hours, taking turns sleeping and driving, only stoping for food and gas. For some reason I felt like an outlaw. More than once, I wondered if this is how convicted criminals who escaped from jail lived their whole life. It's seemed like a terrible way to live. Always on the run. We finally arrive in Washington around midnight on a Thursday.

"Let's stay at a hotel tonight and go over to Bertha's early tomorrow. She'll enroll us in school, after we get the fake documents. John won't think that we'll be stupid enough to go to school, he'll think we'll be in hiding." Xavier suggests. I don't have the heart to tell him that I want to fight back. I don't want to just sit back and wait until John gets captured. I want to do the capturing. It's the least I could do for all the crap he's put Nikki and I through.

"Okay." I whisper. We get out of the pickup truck we have been driving for the past two hours. The lady at the hotel looks at us with disapproval when she sees us walk in.

"Can we have a double room?" I ask. The lady looks surprised but quickly recovers.

"Sure hon but wouldn't you much rather have a single? For you and your boyfriend I mean." He asks. Xavier and I decided on our way here that we were going to act like brother and sister in public.

"Oh he's not my boyfriend. That's my brother. We're on our way to visit our mom in Seattle." I explain to her. It's the story we're giving everyone in Seattle once we get there. Bertha and our dad got a divorce and when "dad" got a new girlfriend we decided to move with our mom instead. I tweaked it a bit for the receptionist. She hands me the key with a smile and I walk away with Xavier by my side.

"You know that we're only using one bed right?" Xavier whispers in my ear. I giggle while nodding.

"We could jump on the other bed." I suggest. He turns to look at me with a smirk on his face be fore picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal when he starts running down the hallway with me thrown over his shoulder. Somehow he finds our room and opens the door without putting my down. He closes the door, throws me on the bed, then flops down next to me.

"You know that I love you and won't let anyone or anything hurt you ever right?" He asks me.

Tears start to fill my eyes. I try to blink them back but I can't.

"Hey what's wrong? You know you can tell me."

"I'm scared. Not for me but for you and Nikki. I'm scared that he'll find her and take her and that I won't know that she's gone until it's too late. She's the only thing I have left besides you. I can't have a normal life until John is dead. I can't have a normal life. Period. I've tried so hard to be normal, but I can't, not being who and what I am." By the end of my rant I'm sobbing my eyes out. I've been keeping this in for way too long. Xavier holds me tight and I bury my face in his chest. We fall asleep that way and for once in my life I feel safe. Completely and utterly safe.



It's a little short but it's better than nothing. I've been busy with school and everything. During school breaks the chapters will come quicker and longer.



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