Chapter 7

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She should be here by now. I looked over at the clock and quickly my eyes focused on the door again hoping that at any moment it would be blown apart by my bad ass of a sister but so far nothing. I had called her thirteen hours ago and I was so sure that she'd be here by now that I hadn't even slept. I just wanted to leave already with Jace and never see Eric again and get things settled about Marcos.

That's all that I had had planned out before stupid Eric just had to turn out to be my second mate. I would have rather accepted dirt as my mate than Eric.

"You do know I can hear your thoughts right." I gave him an evil glare. "Why don't you just stay the heck out of my head than before I decide to shove my foot up your ass."

"Angel calm down, I was just telling you just so you would know." "Don't tell me what to do! I'm not your Angel so stop giving me pet names only Jace can do that."

"Stop talking about that bloodsucker before I decide to speed up his execution."

I could feel my heart start to increase its rhythm and I could my heart beat pounding in my head. Ooooo he has just messed with the wrong girl.

"Listen here ignorant anus, you hurt him and I will personally make sure you never fucking walk again. You kill him and I will make you wish you were dead. You should be thanking the Gods that i'm not mean enough to have fucking rejected you yet, so next time something crawls up your ass you keep your mouth shut. You have been on very fucking thin ice and trust me I am this fucking close to rejecting your sorry ass but I care too much. I like to be fair something that you have possibly never known."

He starred at me in shock by my little rant that I had just thrown.

He sighed, "well excuse me for being such an anus but how would you feel if your mate showed up at the door and she can't even recognize you, yet her other so called mate is next to her. How would you feel if all of her thoughts about him are sweet and nice yet when its me you think of running away and never seeing me again or how much of a bastard I am and maybe just once in the rarest of moments you have nice thoughts about me, but i'm sorry I forgot I don't fucking matter to you." He got up suddenly leaving me dumbfounded by his own rant.

He started walking towards the backdoor. Every step he took I could feel the pain of what I had just done some was my pain but most of it I knew was his. The pain that he had been holding back.

"STOP!" I called out. He stopped, his back still towards me. I walked up behind him. I put my arm on his shoulder and turned him to face me. "I'm sorry," I said. "I just don't like that you're keeping me here against my will. Maybe if we-" I was cut off as he embraced me in his arms I tensed up and seconds later started to relax against him. I put my own arms around him too. "Maybe if we had met on other terms I wouldn't think so bad about you or feel this resentment towards you."

He didn't respond to what I had just said but as we stayed like that in each other's arms I could feel the emotional pain slowly dissipate.

I slowly pulled myself away from him. As I did so I felt a jolt of pain go through my heart and I know that it was him.

"I'm sorry," I softly whispered as I started to walk away. I turned back to face him. "I'm going to go take a shower, can you have some clothes ready for me? Afterwards i'll come and eat with you, if your fine with that I mean."

I could feel him get happier by my words. I even saw a faint smile form at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, thats fine."

"Okay," I said as I started to climb the stairs to the room i was staying in.

I just honestly don't know what's going to happen between Jace, Eric, and I. I'm so scared of hurting either one of them because their pain will become mine and i'll feel even worse.

I turned the water on and started to pull my clothes off.

I knew that Jace was fine since I didn't feel any pain from him or sense any danger. I missed him though.

I stuck my hand in the water to see if its the right temperature. I let my hand stay in the water as I starred down at the floor. Moments later I felt the sting of tears in my eyes. Why did I have to be cursed. I stepped into the shower letting the water wash away the tears. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes as the water hit me. I silently screamed as I fell to the floor.

Why did the gods do this to me why couldn't I just have one mate like Lex.

"Why?" The question softly left my lips.


I walked down the stars in a towel. Lets just say Eric was soon going to be dead.

As I entered the kitchen Eric's head instantly snapped my way. I saw his eyes full with lust. I walked over to him and slapped him.

"What the fu◆k is this?" I said holding up my hand that contained a thong and a see through bra. He instantly gave me a mischievous smirk. "Its your clothes," he said.

"Uh excuse me last time I fucking checked I don't work at a strip club. I have given guys free lap dances though in less clothing than this." His eyes instantly filled with rage.

"Why don't you take some pamprin, you seem to be on your period. Next time bring me some some actually clothes," I said as I threw the bra and underwear in his face and walked away.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I'm not hungry and I probably won't be for a long time, thanks to you!" I yelled as I walked up the stairs.

I went into the room and slammed the door behind me. I locked it.

I knew Eric was right behind the door.

"Don't you dare come in or else," I threatened him.


I didn't say anything, her words wounded my heart. I didn't know what to say so I just stayed there I could hear her on the other side of the door. She was trying to calm down. Her breathing was a bit heavy so I knew she was still pissed. I leaned my forehead on the door and sighed.

Why can't she just do as I say. Everyone else follows my orders willingly and she just has to rebel.

I could hear her as she summoned clothes to wear with a spell.

The more I thought about what I had done the more that I felt bad. When I had come in to drop off the clothes I had heard her crying and I was still a dick enough to play that joke on her. I was more surprised though that I hadn't felt her pain. That just told me how much she tries to hide it. I wonder if she hides it from that bloodsucker, she probably tells him everything, she doesn't even like talking to me. I practically have to make her talk to me.

I didn't want to go to sleep in the room next to her's. I want to be as close her as I can be.

After moments of debating I went to the room next door. I grabbed the pillows and blankets off the bed and carried them back to her door. I set them up right next her door and layed down on the floor.

I looked up at the ceiling as my eyes grew weary and I started to drift off to sleep.



I looked over at Nikki. I already knew who was at the door. I stayed there for a bit watching her as she read the newspaper and ate her cereal. When she read something interesting she would slow down her chewing, it was cute.

She paused her reading and looked up at me, "well aren't you going to get that?"

"Yeah," I softly replied as I deliberately walked slowly to the door.


A/N- well hope you guys like the chapter. Comment, vote, or blackmail tigerpassion (a.k.a-Lexi)

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