Twilight: The Frozen Curse

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Chapter 1

My name is Isabella Marie Frozen. My last name use to be Swan but because of my curse and having my whole family dead I changed it. I've been alone since I was 13, having to fend for myself. Never staying or meeting anyone, and defiantly never going to school. Ever.

I have to wear gloves all the time either that or whatever I touch for to long will freeze by my touch. I've been cursed since I was born, my whole life. I've hardly spent time in the outside world. But I'm hoping to change all that.

I'm planning on moving out of my little cabin in Iceland and moving to Forks. My dad use to live in Forks with my mom before they both died.

My curse, I can make all kinds of things with snow and ice, like ice sculptures, real snow, snow storms, and the cold doesn't bother me. Some might think, how is that a curse? That sounds so cool! Well it would be, if I could control it. That's where the gloves I have to wear come in.

I tried once to be without my gloves. I was in Iceland. It was a nice warm sunny day. I was heading back to my little cabin, just making snowballs and throwing up snowflakes in the air.

When I entered someone was there. Demanding stuff about me, and how they saw me doing weird things with snow or something. They really started to agitate me so I told them to leave, using the wind to open the door real hard. When he said no I threw him out the door. I walked outside and he was struggling to get up.

He just kept making me madder and madder until I finally lost it and Iceland became a real Iceland. I had been 14 at the time and haven't taken my gloves off since. I was so horrified with myself that I had put my gloves back on and raced back inside and packed everything, and now here I was, on my way to Forks, Washington.

Forks was a small town. Population 3,120, which is not a lot of people. I wouldn't be surprised if I found any vampires there. How do I know about vampires? Well, I've ran into a couple you see. Some of them tried to kill me and others were curious because apparently I smelled different from other humans, they said it was kinda like a very minty kinda smell, and that was the only sent I had.

I was confused for a moment until the first vampire I met explained that humans always have more than one sent and that mine was the most strongest one he's ever smelled. That's what the other ones I've met said also.

I've met red eyed vampires and golden eyes vampires. I had no idea there was a difference until the golden eyed vampires I'd met explained how they drank animals instead of humans. To say I was fascinated was the truth, while some would have been disgusted. I've always been interested in the supernatural world and didn't care how disgusting some of them lived.

I knew I was in Forks when I passed the sign that said Welcome to Forks. I sighed in relief, well at least I made it. Now all I had to do was get to my house that was all the way at the edge of town, in the forest. Just because I was going to school didn't mean I was going be in the town.

After I get home I'm going unpack and go sign up for school. I hope I don't get many questions about the gloves since it is cold a lot here, because it's not like I can take them off, not matter what. Jeesh, I hope I can at least get through one year of school, and maybe if I can I'll make it through the whole three years of high school.

I pull up to my house and take in it's view. It's pretty small with a front porch and the sides painted yellow. (Looks like her house from the movie)

Well here goes nothing. As my dad use to say 'It's now or never kid'.

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