Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I hold his gaze for a few moments, and look at his features. He's pale-of course-, pretty tall, probably 6' compared to my 5'8. His straight blond hair is pushed off to the side of his face and is pretty short, stopping just before his neck. Unlike my light brown hair with pale blonde highlights that fall to my waist.

I cut our gaze and look back at my book, focusing on it hard and keeping my emotions blank. Since I have no idea if this vampire has a gift or what it is.

I ignore him as he takes a seat next to me. Which I am silently cursing it for being the last empty one. I feel his gaze on me for a long while until the teacher hands us a worksheet to do. Which I silently thank him for.

I'm also kinda wishing I never homeschooled myself while I was by myself because I already knew everything and was done in ten minutes.

After my parents died I kept going with the homeschool thing and homeschooled myself until I was 15. I finished the twelfth grade stuff by then. So yippy me, I get be the nerd. Curse you. I mean, uh, curse my genius brain.

I come out of my revere as the teacher slaps the paper back down on my desk with a irritated but impressed look.

"Well done Miss Frozen." He mutters, annoyed, before moving on.

"Well done Miss Frozen." I sneer under my breath.

I hear the vampire next to me laugh quietly as I check out what he did to my paper. Oh, 100%. He graded it. Of course, DUH! I mentally smack myself.

I glance over at the vampires paper next to me to see if I can get name but only catch his last name, Hale. Hale. Hale. Where have I heard that name before.

But before I can ponder anymore on it the bell rings and I stand, gathering my stuff and try to figure out where my next period class is. I walk out of the classroom and stand off to the side of the door, looking at my map.

"Ya, sure easy route there Mrs. Cope. Just how the heck to I get there." I snap under my breath.

I look up to see all the students hurrying to class or walking slowly with a friend. Some are getting books out of their lockers and others are gossiping-mostly about me. Suddenly I spot that Hale vampire watching me cautiously. He seems hesitant and I really wish if he was going to help me he would. But other part of me says, "Hell no!". Which I should probably go with that part because I'm trying to not make friends for a reason.

Human or vampire, I don't care, we're not becoming friends even if my dang life depends on it.

Finally something must have took over because from the corner of my eye I see Hale hesitantly make his way over to me. I really need to learn his name, calling him Hale is gonna drive me frozen.

I keep my eyes trained on my map as he comes over and to a stop.

"You need some help ma'am?" He asks with a Texan accent. I frown as something nags at the back of my memory but ignore it for now. I glance up, face showing no emotion and nod, showing him my schedule.

He quickly looks it over before nodding and handing back to me. He motions for me to follow him, which I do and we walking in silence to my algebra 1 math class.

Apparently he has the same class because he walks right into the class. I head over to the teacher to get his signature while I watch Hale from the corner of my eye take a seat in the back again.

Just with my luck the only empty seat left is next to him.

I quickly thank the teacher as he gives me back the signing sheet and directs me to the last empty seat next to 'Mr. Hale' as he calls him.

I take my seat and zone out for awhile as the teacher drones on about proportions.

The bell rings and I stand and go to my next class. This I time I have an idea on where my next class is because it's only across the hall. Only this time, I don't have Hale with me.


By the time lunch came around I was about ready to kill or maybe freeze half the student body population. Especially this one girl named Jessica, Jessica Stanley and two guys, Mike Newton, and Erik something. I don't remember his last name.

After I grabbed a water and sandwich they practically dragged me toward their table against my protests. On the bright side they might know something about that Hale vampire kid and if he has any siblings.

I look around the lunch room to see if I can spot Hale while Jess talks about some new dumb romance movie coming out in theaters this weekend.

I glance out the window and suddenly see vampires walking along side the building.

"Hey, Jess. Who are they?" I ask, cutting her off on whatever she was saying as the vampires walk in. She glances over at them and smirks.

"Those are the Cullen's. You see that big buff guy? That's Emmett and the blonde girl who looks like a supermodel is Rosalie. Him and her have like a thing. Which is kinda weird since they live together." She says.

"But Jess, their not actually related." Angela says.

"I know, but it's weird. Ok so that bronze haired dude, he's Edward, really hot in my opinion but he's dating that short, black haired girl named Alice. She's really weird." She says. "They were all adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. He's like fosterdad slash match maker." Jess say dreamily. I roll my eyes. Vampire charm. The door opens again and in walks that Hale kid. Finally.

"Who's he?" I ask. Jess giggles.

"That's Jasper Hale. Him and Rosalie are twins. Their the only ones related. He's single and totally hot, but doesn't date so don't wast your time" She says. I nod. Hm, twins. Smart.

"Wasn't planning on it." Which was true I wanted to stay out of everyone's lives from now on, as long as I can. I glance over at the Cullen's.

Hm, got a good back story. Vegetarians too. Impressive. Must be hard thou.

They all look over at me and Edward frowns while Alice grins. I do not like that grin at all.

I look back down and ignore them as they go bad to picking at their food. But I can't but wonder why Edward was frowning at me. Was it because of my sent? Did he have a gift that was telling him something about me? Was his gift not getting anything from me? Did he even have a gift?

All these questions whizzed around in my head but I knew they would probably never get answered. I pulled on my gloves self consciously as the bell rings I stand and trudge to my next class. Which vampire-if any-do I have now?

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