Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After lunch I had, had at least one Cullen in each class that day. Edward had been in my biology class, Alice in my history class, and Rose, Emmett, and/or Jasper in gym and study hall.

My first week of school had been tough. Not many people asked about me wearing gloves everyday but rumors were going around that I had mechanical hands, or my hands looked ugly or some dumb excuse for why I was wearing gloves. I had even said I get bad frost bit not matter how cold, very easily. What of bunch of idiots.

Anyway, here I was sitting on my bed, on a Sunday morning sketching out a winter landscape.

It's not like I could do much of anything. I had no family and no friends. I'm practically a loner. And I was defiantly not going into Seattle to attract attention to myself.

So all I could really do was hang around my room listening to music, draw, and think. Which I happen to be doing a lot these days.

Now IF I wanted to attract attention, I could always go freeze a state, city, or even a couple of forests nearby, which I sometimes do when I'm frustrated or mad. So my life is as boring as it can get. And this is how it's been for the past-about 6 years. Saying my parents died just after I turned 13 and I'm almost 19 now.

Speaking of age, in just a few months I would be celebrating my birthday for the 6th time alone with only a phone call.

I kinda lied when I said I had no family, which is partially true because Peter and Charlotte are not really my family but I consider them as it.

Peter and Char are red-eyed vampires I met on my travels before I had settled down in Iceland. They had been the kindest vampires I had met. They offered me a place to stay and food. But I didn't stay long because my curse keeps getting worse, and I wanted to see the world.

We stayed in contact thou. Every year on my birthday I would get a phone call from them and some presents in the mail since Peter just 'know things' he knows where I live so they can send me a few things.

Shutting my sketch book I hop off my bed and stick on my boots. I head down the stairs, sliding down on the railing, and grab my keys. Walking out the front door I turn around and lock it before heading out back.

Might as well do something. I have today and tomorrow to do stuff since I finished all my homework plus a report for Mr. Mason that's not due for another two weeks.

So I'm going to go for a walk in the forest. What's the least that's going to happen? I'm gonna get bit by a vampire? Not likely. They'd get frozen first. Mulled by a werewolf? Same thing would happen that happened to the vampire.

I'm practically a walking safety shield thing, I guess or whatever you want to call me. At least I'm not a walking disaster. Then I'd be suicidal to be even thinking about coming into the woods. Ya, I ain't stupid.

I walk along a small path that's not over grown by weeds and grass for awhile. Just taking in nature and the 'fresh air'. If this world ends I'm gonna be laughing my head off like a maniac because I'm gonna tell these humans 'I told you so'. Because it ended because of pollution but yet no one seems to care!

I would really have loved to live in the 80's. Their economy was so much better and they didn't have all these problems, or idiots, or kids cussing bad words-I do sometimes but really, it's not the REALLY bad ones-, or even Obama. Ugh, I'm sorry to those who like him but, ugh whatever. Don't need to be killed because I criticized the President.

Anyway, this whole population of idiotic kids and the stupid adults can all just go to hell.

Dang, I must be really having a bad day. Thinking of loads of insults and negative comments. Jeesh, oh well it's been happening a lot. Especially when I'm having a harder time controlling my powers and having to freeze more things just to be able to control it.

Ugh, this is going to a long two days. I can't even belive I'm saying this but, I kinda can't wait to go to school and hang with the vamps. Which that just sounded weird but hey, when your alone and have almost nothing to do you wish for the things that aren't so great.

Like school with all the annoying kids. God, what has happened to this earth?!

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