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I held up my hands and brought them up slowly as if lifting heavy weights. Ice and snow swirled around us as it went up. The Cullen's came closer as the water became water again and we stood on a ship, their mouths gaping.

Everyone watched in wonder, I could here the cheers of the people in the kingdom. I brought my hands up in the air and clasped them together. Then I made a wiping motion and the large snowflake disintegrated.

I smiled and Anna pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." I smiled at her. We glanced at Olaf as he started melting.

"This has got to be the best day of my life, and possibly the last." He says.

"Awe, Olaf. Hang on buddy." I say and make a swirl motion with my hand and pinch my fingers together. A cloud snowing appears above his head.

He laughs and claps his hand. "My very own flurry!"

We laugh and Hans groans to the side. I narrow my eyes at him and glance at Anna. She stops Kristof and both me and her move towards Hans. He stands and leans against the boat side for balance, and glances at us. We glare at him.

"Anna, but your dead. She froze your heart." Hans says frowning.

I glance at Anna. "The only frozen heart here is yours." She says and turns, taking a few steps.

She then pauses and turns around. I count to three in my head before we both reach out and punch Hans over the boat. The Dukes cheer and we smile at each.

A few hours later we're all standing in the kingdom square. I smile at everyone.

"You ready?" I question making everyone cheer. My smile widens and I lift up my dress and foot and step.

Ice swirls from my foot, covering the ground and decorating the sides of the castle. I lift up my hands then and freeze the fountains on both sides. People smile and start skating or slipping around. Anna comes over clumsily and grins grabbing onto my shoulder.

"We are never closing the gates again." I say and her face brightens.

"Ya." She says. I raise my hand slightly and silver ice skates appear on the bottom of her shoes.

"Wha-!" Kristof comes over and grabs her hand with Olaf near to help them stand. Sven try's to keep up but ends up falling many times.

I laugh lightly and can't help but look around happily. Things turned out better then I ever thought it would. Honestly, I thought I would be stuck in that ice castle forever alone. But then, I don't control fate.

Someone tugs lightly on my hair and I turn around to come face to face with the Cullen's and Peter and Char. I raise an eyebrow and Edward points to Emmett. I smile slightly.


"Uh-" Emmett start but Esme cuts in.

"We just want to say thank you for helping Anna. She's been pretty quiet and depressed since we got her." Esme says making the others nod.

"Also, wewerewonderingifwecouldstayherewithyou." Emmett says and my eyes widen in surprise.

"Really? You want to stay here? Even after everything that's happened with me?" I ask. They nodded and I let out a breath, smiling. "Sure."

They grin and start moving around on the ice. Showing off to the others as they watch in amazement. I shake my head and tilt it slightly at Jasper who stands still in front of me.

I raise my eyebrows in question. "Uh, I want to apologize on how we acted before. We never should have followed you and-" I stop him by sticking my hand over his mouth.

I shake my head. "Dude, just shut up." I then grin mischievously. "I am queen and won't be afraid to freeze you right here, right now." I say seriously, fighting back another smile.

His eyes widen and he quickly pulls my hand away. I laugh loudly and he scowls but grins at me.

He pulls me in and we stand very close together. I glance up and look into his eyes as he leans down and brings his mouth to mine. I kiss back fiercely before pulling back to look at him.

"I still can't see how you can wear those heels." He says. I smile and grab his hand, pulling him along. I throw my hand the air and a large snowflake appears. It then bursts into snow and it starts to snow.

I shrug. "What can I say. It's my Frozen Curse, I'm Frozen."


The end!! Yippee! Another book done:) Thanks for all the comments and votes! Of course there will be no sequel, as you can tell I'm trying to make my books have no sequels right now cause I've already got two sequels and a bunch of books going. So sorry!

But check out my other books if you haven't already.

And please go check out my other books on my other account @DarkWriter_

It's not a twilight account, but I'm trying to move from fan fiction's to actual books because I'd really like to become an author. So, please, please, pretty please, go check them out.

Thank you all!

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