Chapter 1 - The Day Before

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I can't believe the time has finally come.

I'm finally leaving for America tomorrow. I've always wanted to go away for a year to study.

Finally, after everything that's happened the last few years, I decided it would be a good time to go and the perfect way to spend my last year of high school.

It all started 6 months ago when I got in contact with an organisation that helps people study in different places around the world. They set almost everything up, from flights even to a house you can stay in when you arrive. So for my last high school year I'm living with a family in California. Don't get me wrong, I'm super nervous but I couldn't be more excited.

The family I'm staying with consists of parents, Alison and Mark and their four sons, who I've heard basically nothing about unfortunately.

This will be so much different for me as I only live with my parents now, I'm not sure how I'll feel considering it's such a big change. There will actually be people around the house for a change. Since my parents both work and the fact they try spending as least amount of time at home as possible, my house is always empty.

"Amelia will you please come down the stairs?!" I hear my mum shout from downstairs. I'm actually quite surprised they are both at home today. I quickly put the clothes that I'm holding in to my suitcase and begin the obstacle course out of my room, climbing over all the piles of miscellaneous items spilled out on to my floor.

Once I'm down, I walk through the living room to the kitchen to see my mum and dad both sitting at the table.


"We know you're heading off tomorrow for a year and we want you to know how much we will miss you." My mum halfheartedly smiles. Miss me? Nice lie.

"I'm going to miss you's too?" I reply knowing fine well there's more to this conversation.

"You know, this year is for studying Amelia and not just fun.. well obviously you can have fun but not too much of it, If you know what I mean. You really need the grades if you want to get in to the university you want and if you want to get the career you want.." My dad continues to blabber on.

"Amelia what you're dad is trying to say .."

"Yeah I know, studying comes first." I say while trying to keep the most serious face.

I love my mum and dad, don't get me wrong, but they expect me to be something like a lawyer or a doctor, like they both are, I mean I guess I'm pretty smart, I definitely wouldn't say I'm the smartest out there. Basically the only time they do speak to me is about my grades. Sure studying is important but grades aren't everything. I don't think they have realised yet that I don't think they occupations are for me and I can't be bothered with the 3 hour rant about it so for now, I'll keep it to myself. Or I'll tell them over the phone while I'm thousands of miles away.

After a long chat, I walk back up the many stairs and head back to my bedroom to finish packing. I pack my big camera safely in to my bag with clothing surrounding the case so it's completely protected.

Something about me? I love photography, apparently it's not a good career choice.. says my parents. But you've got to do what you want to do.

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