Chapter 28 - The Truth is Out

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The next few days flew by.

On the anniversary of Jess's death, I spent it inside my home with the Carters. I think Ally and Mark must have filled the younger boys in. Which I'm thankful for.

I weirdly didn't cry much that day. I think I must have cried everything out when Tyler came home. He done what he said he would. He listened while I spoke and he wiped my tears away.

We woke up the next morning in each other's arm and I found a great deal of comfort in that.

Christopher and Dan came round for a bit and joined us before having to retreat back home. They both know what happened. I told Christoper a while ago and I think Tyler must have told Dan before he came over, which I'm not bothered about in the slightest since he's practically my brother.

Over the next couple days I met up with the girls and told them what had happened. They knew something was up with me since I had been miserable over the past week. I decide I shouldn't hide Jess from the people who mean the most to me.

I spoke to my friends back home and they told me they were going to go visit Jess. They put some flowers down for me and we have a nice chat over FaceTime.

I didn't really speak to my parents though.

I've finally realised that what happened was not my fault and when I actually realised that and believe it my nightmares stopped. I hadn't had a nightmare in a week and at this time of year that was unheard of.

What's different about here is people don't treat me different about what happened, they treat me like I'm me. I'm not the sister of the dead girl here and that's what I love.

It's been a week since the anniversary and I'm feeling a whole lot better.

Proms slowly catching up though so yesterday was the the day I got dragged around my tile dress shops with Bella, Lily and Zara.

I know Zara already has hers it's a blue dress. It's tight around the body and fans out at the bottom. It is very stunning.

I wasn't sure what colour I was going to get but I do have one in mind. Tyler's been asking me me what colour I was thinking so he could buy his tie but I think I'm going to make it a surprise. I asked Ally if she'd get his tie for him so he wouldn't find out the colour till the day.

After hours and hours of shopping I had finally found the dress and I am so in love with it! All the girls also found their dresses too, all in different colours.

The more I think about prom the more excited I get. I'll have no one to worry about unlike my actual prom, well besides Dean but I've not seen him in while.

Until now.

I'm walking down the hallway with Christopher and Daniel just before class starts. Tyler had to go see the football coach before class started.

It's like everyone's eyes are on me. Whispering about me.

We see Dean standing with his friends near the fire exit and I huddle in closer to Chris as he wraps his arm around my shoulder while Dan steps even closer to me protectively. That's when I walk past the lockers and a group of boys who I think are maybe in our year and hear the word sister being whispered amongst them.

"What did you just say?"

All boys remain silent while looking down at the ground.

"She asked you a question." Dan half shots while punching a locker causing the boys too look more in panic. One of them begins to slowly reach in to his bag and pulls out a sheet of paper.

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