Chapter 9 - The Practice

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I woke up this morning to Tyler moaning.

And not the good kind.

But moaning at me to get up.

"Get up babydoll! It's eight! I told you I was taking you to the boxing gym!" He shouts at me while hitting me with one of my pillows that I must have kicked off the bed during the night.

"You were serious?"

"Yes I was serious Carson now move!" He then blows in to a whistle, deafening me. "Unless you want me to climb in beside you and we can do a different physical activity."

"A whistle? You're not a coach, you know." I exclaimed while covering my ears. "Most definitely not." I swing my legs out my bed and plant them on the floor.

"Today, I'm your coach. Now go get ready, I'll meet you by the car in 20."

I jump in the shower, dry my hair and get changed in to some work out clothes, it's now 25 minutes since Tyler rudely woke me up.

"I said 20 minutes, you're 5 minutes late." He taps his watch as I leave the house.

"You're lucky it's only 5."

"You're lucky I'm only adding 5 of every exercise." He chirped. "Now get that fine ass of yours in the car."

"Why are we doing this again?" I ask about 5 minutes in to the journey.

"I've told you." He sighs. "You need to learn how to defend yourself."

"So why am I doing exercises? I do go runs and to the gym myself." I roll down the windows as once again it's a boiling hot day. "And I do know how to defend myself."

"Trust me, you can tell." He smirks while eyeing me up. I reach up and push his the side of his head to face the front.

"Eyes on the road Carter."

"You know how to kick someone in the balls, that's not exactly defending darling."

"Yeah well, it's a good start."

"Yeah its a good start but the finishing point would be you lying dead somewhere, wishing that you had listened to me, the smartest sexiest guy out there."

"Well if I was dead I couldn't wish for something idiot. So no you're not the smartest guy out there."

"You didn't deny I was the sexiest. Listen Amelia, I just want you to be safe okay? My mom would kill me if anything happened to you and I guess I would be a little bummed if anything happened to you too."

"Wow thanks Carter that's probably one of the nicest things you've ever said." I wipe a fake tear from my face.

We pull up outside the gym and there's only a couple other cars in the car park. Tyler grabs his bag and makes his way to the doors. He holds the door open for me and I stop the second I'm through the door.

"Tyler I'm not sure about this." I whisper while looking around the massive room.

There's a boxing ring right in the centre with two huge guys punching the shit out of each other. Around the whole outside of the room is different types of equipment.

"It will be fine now come on." Tyler walks to the back of the room where there's mats all over the floor.

"Come on Carson you said you were fit!" Tyler shouts while blowing his whistle.

"If you blow that whistle again Tyler I swear to god I will strangle you with it."

"Kinky, I like it." He can tell by my face I am not in the mood. "Fine 5 minute break."

I lie back down on the mat and try catching my breath for the past almost 2 hours Tyler's had me doing all different types of drills and practicing boxing techniques. I've just got done doing pull ups.

"Tyler we've been here for ages can't we go already."

He throws a towel at me. "I'll make a deal. You and me in the ring. You manage to block 5 punches and throw 3 good punches we can leave."

After my break is over I place the massive boxing gloves on my wrist. Tyler straps my weird helmet thing on and splits the rope so I can get in to the ring. Almost instantly he throws a punch that I manage to block.

"Hey! A little warning?"

"Do you think you'd get a warning in real life?" He throws another punch and I manage to dip to the left and dodge it.

All I've got to do is punch Tyler once more then we can go. He goes to throw a punch and I duck and manage to lean forward and punch him in the side of his face. He trips over his foot and goes flying to the ground.

"That's my girl!" He shouts from the ground.

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