Chapter 27 - The Sadness

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I knew this day was coming up but I didn't know how I was going to be feeling. Course I knew I'd be heartbroken, I always am. But this time it feels different especially since I can't see her.

I told Tyler what happened with Jess but I didn't tell him the date it happened and that day was tomorrow.

Today's Saturday. Which means tomorrow is obviously Sunday, no shit, I know right? The only good thing about tomorrow is I wouldn't have to face trying to get through the day at school.

It had been almost 6 years since I lost my sister and it doesn't get any easier.

I drag myself out of bed, after spending the past 8 hours crying instead of sleeping. I look at my reflection and immediately I'm shocked. My face and eyes are incredibly swollen and my eyes are completely bloodshot.

I was going to try and hide how I was feeling from the Carters. I was planning on spending the next couple days locked away in my bedroom. But with the state of my appearance that was going to be impossible. No one could not notice that I'd been crying.

I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face before heading down the stairs. I thought washing my face could maybe help me look a bit better but it definitely didn't.

I arrive at the table when only Mark is sitting there, the boys obviously still in bed. Ally's rushing about behind him trying to sort breakfast.

"Morning pet." Mark smiles soothingly like he does most mornings pulling me in for a tighter hug than normal. Obviously he notices the fact I look like fucking shit, but he doesn't say anything about it and for that I'm thankful.

I manage to croak out a morning before slipping in to my usual seat.

"Here you go angel." Ally smiles before loading my plate up with my favourite breakfast before kissing my head.  "I'm just going to wake the boys up."

The next few moments are filled with loud bangs and slams as the boys hurriedly arrive around the breakfast table.

Tyler sits in his usual seat, which is right opposite me. The rest of the boys take their seats without saying anything to me besides a good morning. I obvious notice them all staring, since they're not sly in the slightest. I can tell trying to work out what is wrong with me.

"Whats wrong Amelia? Have you been crying? Do you want me to get you a cheer-up-popsicle?" Zack asks while Ally begins to shoosh him.

I can't help but smile at how innocent Zack is. "I just ament feeling to good today."

"I cry when I get sick too! Here this always makes me feel better."

The next thing I know, he's out his seat standing beside my chair, he reaches his small arms out and wraps them round my neck and pulls me closer.

I wrap my arms around him, burying my head as much as I could in too his little shoulder. I couldn't do anything when a few tears started coming from my eyes.

Mark must have heard the small sniffle that escaped. He begins loudly clearing up and asks the boys to help him.

I begin to pull back from Zack when he leans closer to my ear. "Mommy always tells me that everything will get better." He gently kisses my cheek before running to help his dad and brothers.

That's when I make my escape upstairs to my bedroom. About 30 minutes later is when Tyler appears. He knocked gently before coming in and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What's wrong babydoll?" He asks while pushing some hair out of my face.

"I just don't feel well." I half lie.

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