Chapter 4 - The First Day of The New School

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It's now 7 o'clock on Monday morning, If I was back home it would be around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which means school would of finished not long ago.

So far the jet lag hasn't affected me too badly.

The whole of yesterday was spent on the couch playing with Ethan on his PS4 or in bed on Facetime to my friends.

I only saw Tyler once and that was when he came home last night and I was going to get a bottle of water at about 9:30, we made eye contact but never said a word to each other, which I didn't mind.

I enjoy days by myself, I hardly ever get bored, for as long as I can remember I always spent my days at home alone.

I manage to pull myself out of bed and walk towards the bathroom. I open the door to find Tyler in there.  He's standing in front of the mirror with a towel around his waist brushing his teeth. He's soaking wet and I can't help but look at his tanned, muscly chest as the water drips down his stomach.

"I never knew you were.."

"You done staring? I know it's hard considering I have a body like this but.."

"Actually you have a giant spider on you." I lie and I'm so glad I did.

Tyler dumps his toothbrush in the sink and literally screams before running out the bathroom. I see his towel begin to fall so I quickly swing the bathroom door shut and lock it. I hear Mark burst in to Tyler's room asking what's wrong. I turn on the shower before I burst out laughing to try and disguise my loud laughs. Which clearly didn't help.

I do my toilet business and brush my teeth before jumping in a 15 minute shower. Once out, I head back to my room and dry my hair. I add some salt and texturing spray and decide to leave it down. I also decide not to wear makeup, thankfully I was born with the longest eyelashes ever and I tint them myself so they kind of look like they've got a light layer of mascara on them.

I can remember last night Mark telling me that this weeks meant to be one of the hottest also so I throw on some denim shorts, a grey high neck tank top and decide to chuck on a checkered shirt on top, which I will probably tie around my waist and I also put on my white low converse. It feels weird wearing my own clothes considering I have always had to wear a uniform. I pack a few things in my bag and head downstairs to grab some breakfast.

"Morning sweetie." Ally smiles as I walk in to the kitchen. "Want some some bacon and pancakes?"

After breakfast, Mark leaves for work, Ally leaves with Zack and Alfie and Ethan heads back up to his room to get his bag.

While in the kitchen I see Tyler practically running down the stairs holding on to Ethan's arm with him in protest, he slams the front door and I immediately hear his car pull out of the driveway. I don't bother trying to chase after him because I know that's probably what he wants. Guess I'm walking to school.

What an absolute fucking arsehole.

I lock up the house and pull out google maps as I have no idea where I'm walking. The app says the walk will take 25 minutes, which I guess isn't too bad.

About 15 minutes in to walk, I was so deep in thought of how much I hated Tyler, I crash in to something .. or someone. I look up to see quite a tall, blonde boy with glasses. He looks a little nerdy but very good looking.

"Shit I'm so sorry I wasn't looking.." he stutters while looking down at the pavement.

"Don't worry about it and I'm sorry, it was my fault ... Anyway I'm Amelia." I smile at him and he returns a smile immediately.

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