Chapter 24 - The Note

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Tyler's Pov

I can't believe I'm home without her. I can't believe I couldn't get her to come home with me.

Last night when I told her I had to fly home tomorrow, I tried my hardest to persuade her to come back with me. No matter what I said she told me she couldn't come. I spent practically the whole night trying but she still wouldn't.

I've lost her. Why did I have to fuck up like I did? Why did I have to do that to her? The thing that hurts me the most is that I actually thought what I was doing was helping her.

I text my mom telling her that I've landed and that she doesn't have to pick me up because I've got a ride sorted.

When really, all I'm getting is a taxi. I just wanted to avoid the whole conversation about what happened and what not.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to sleep a lot on the flight so I'm pretty tired. After the short taxi ride I pile out all the suitcases, thankfully Amelia drove me to the hotel last night so I could pick up my stuff, I walk up to the front door. I quietly enter and see everyone in the living room, including Chris and Dan.

"Since when did we start taking in people off the street?" I ask while strolling through to the living room.

I give my parents a hug before returning to grab my suitcase.

"Alright brothers?" I ask the reminder of the people in the room. Ethan just nods his head at me, obviously still annoyed at me. But who could blame him.

"What are yous doing here anyway?" I ask.

"Just chilling." Chris replies while causally throwing candy in to Zack's mouth.

"Never leave me again." Dan exaggerates while grabbing my arm.

I already text my mom to let everyone know that Amelia wasn't come back with me. I'm not sure I would of been able to actually say it out loud.

You can tell everyone in the room is sad about that by the look on their faces.

"It's so good to have you home honey. How are you?" My mom smiles.

"I'm.. Well.. I tried my best to get her to come. I hope yous know that."

"Let's be honest if you never messed up in the first place, she wouldn't of been gone so soon." Ethan barges in to my shoulder and walks up the stairs.

"Ethan!" My mom roars after him.

"It's fine mom. Let's be honest, it's true. Listen, I'm tired after they flights, plus jet lag isn't too great. I'm gonna go to bed." I lower my head and climb the stairs to my room. Pushing the conversation me and my parents are going to have to have to a later day.

Once the doors shut I immediately throw myself on my bed and the second my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

Amelia's Pov

It takes every single part of me to force myself to tell Tyler no.  A wave of sadness fills his eyes every single time I say it.

"I just can't Tyler. After everything what happened I just don't think.."

"Then I'll stay here." He pleads with me. "I need you with me. I'll get a job and I'll find.."

"We both know you have to go back."

"I can't. Not without you."

This is how the majority of the night played out. Tyler spent the night trying to get me to go with him. I just couldn't. I couldn't put myself up for being hurt once again. I know his reasoning's for what he done but that doesn't change the way I felt seeing him to do everything.

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