Chapter 20 - The Prom Pt.1

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As soon as I'm off the plane the cold air hits me.

Guess it's back to jumpers and massive coats. I'm glad I'm back so I can see my friends but that's about it. I love my parents but I was glad that I would of been away from them for majority of this time of year.

I collect my luggage and walk through the airport when I see Clara and Matthew? What the hell! I run up to them and practically throw myself at them. We stand hugging for longer than they would of liked as I just can't let go.

"What are yous doing here? I thought I had to get a taxi home?"

"Well we wanted to surprise you. If we told you then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it." Matthew smirks. Reminding me of something Tyler would say.

We're in the car having a huge catch up. "Do yous mind if we have a little pitstop?"

"Sure, where?" Matthew asks while slowing down at the traffic lights.

"The graveyard."

We sit in silence till we arrive. "You want me to come with you?" Clara asks while placing her hand on my shoulder.

"No its fine, I'll be fine." I smile back to her and climb out the passenger side. "Take your time."

I open the big metal gate and walk slowly to the spot I know so well.

"Hey Jess, long time no see." I smile while sitting down in front of her gravestone.

"Remember what I told you? I was in America doing that study swap. Let me be honest hardly any studying was actually done." I start tidying the many flowers that have been placed around.

"I made some amazing friends who you would of loved! You would of especially loved Christopher. I met someone else too, you'd probably hate them at first, until you got to know him." I spend time filling Jess in on everything that's happened over the past few months.

"It's gonna be hard being at home with mum and dad at this time of year, I was hoping I'd still be away for most of it." I trace the engraved letters on the grave. "I miss you more than anything Jess." I stand up and kiss the top of the cold gravestone. "I love you. I'll see you soon."

Soon after we arrive back at my house. "Mum? Dad?"

Shock. Silence. They always try to overtime when it comes to this time, which does not bother me at all. We head up to my room. It feels so cold and empty, it doesn't actually feel like my room at all.

"You looking forward to prom on Friday? Want me to cancel your spray tan?" Clara laughs while flinging herself on to my bed.

"Yeah I'm not sure on my dress though." I then look in the mirror and actually see the tan I have gotten. It's much different looking at your tan when you get home. "Yeah.. I should probably cancel."

"Let me see your dress?" Matthew asks while leaping forward to the white bag hanging on the back of my closet door. Clara jumps back up and smacks his hand away.

"Nope! The dress is gorgeous Amelia, you've got nothing to worry about! More importantly have you agreed to let anyone be your date yet? I know you've been asked."

"No, I didn't.. I don't want a date."

"You need a.." I give Clara a look and she immediately shuts up. "Matthew don't you start work in like 15 minutes?"

"Shit yes I forgot! I'm so glad you're home, I'll come by later." He kisses me on the head before leaving for work.

I fall back on my bed and let out a huge sigh that I've been holding. "Spill."

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