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Summer would take its end soon and school will once gain envelope my life. But the weather reflected none other than a sauna, nothing like a summer ending weather. If there's such a thing.

I let out a nervous sigh. More a like an aggravated roar. Luckily there was no one else in the locker at the moment. I don't want to come today. Heck, I didn't even want to get out of my bed. I was happy that I got accepted into the team, but I was not happy about conditioning at such a short notice. It was 3 weeks until school and practice already started. Talk about summer homework.

I put on cleats and gathered my hair to tie it up. Let's get this over with.

After running, stretching, and practicing techniques, everyone else was heaving, gasping for air. I was barely tired, training and dancing gave me great endurance and stamina. The coach observed us with hawk eyes. Clearly unsatisfied, he lectured us on getting fit and finding passion in the sport. I tuned him out. Every time I do or encounter something like the past, it reminded me of something that I desperately wanted to forget. Sometimes remembering was painful, but I prefer to remember than forget because on rare occasions it gave a happiness I lost and left behind long ago.

We played a scrimmage that day, splitting into two teams. The coach selected two players he was very acquainted with to be team leaders and the selection began. Of course, the girls were picked last. Boys and their cockiness underestimate my skills. They just missed an opportunity. Speaking of opportunities I must say this: not trying something new could be your loss of endless opportunities. Like if I decided to stay home today, I would have never had the chance to finally see him after 3 years. And see him again. And again. The opportunities just kept coming.

It happened so fast. So abrupt I couldn't registered what happened. I was playing right defense and they were coming so fast. My team's strikers were tired and so were the midfielders. It was up to the defense and the goalie to keep the ball away. I made an attempt to steal the ball, but footwork from my team leader made the forward striker lose balance. Then we knocked heads. It hurt so bad, I thought I might have just busted my head open. Dirt and grass stained my face and my practice shirt. Just as I gained sense of what happened, I felt heavy weight crushing my fingers and I grimaced in pain.

I got up and checked to make sure I had no serious injuries. Nope. A hand reached out to me and I grabbed it. Strong. A familiar touch.

"Thanks." I said giving the person a quick glance before returning to brush off the dirt and grass. Wait. He looks familiar. I looked again, but he was off to the lockers. I could only see his back,
but that was enough to ease my doubt. I would know that back anywhere.

Want to know who Wendy is talking about? Mark or V? Please wait for the next chapter. Thank you and gamsahapnida for viewing this story. I just started it so please leave comments and vote.

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