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*Christmas Day*

It was winter break. A month has gone and V was finally ready to go back home, but did not want to. He healed pretty nicely which was a miracle since the doctor said his chances of waking after the surgery was low. The doctor had also said that V suffered an accident earlier and now after he heals his memory will be coming back slowly- only the ones he wanted to remember.

Yeri had filled me in on everything, from V's accident to the confession. I now understand everything and don't blame V for leaving unsaid. It was not his fault. It was just unfortunate that it had to happen that day all at once. Yeri asked me if V could stay at my place since V had already told her that he will stay at a friend's place. Yeri was not sure and still worried, so she asked if V shows up at my place that I would allow. I promised knowing well it would be awkward for the whole family and I worried for V too.

So I was not surprised that V showed up at my door that Christmas morning with his head still wrapped, bruises and scars staining his face, one arm in a sling, and the other carrying a bag of his stuff. Not to mention his nose red from the outside cold that made him look even worse like a dying reindeer. Now I kinda regret it: 1. I had promised Mark to give him a chance so we agreed to spend Christmas together. And 2. the doctor did say that V memories would be coming slowly so he would question me, what would I say? All I wanted for Christmas right now was for V to not question me.

I called Yeri, telling her that V is staying at my place, but I did not tell her about my worries since she still does not know about my past with V. She did not need to, it's all in the past anyway, why bring it up? V did a 360 look of my apartment, well actually more like a dorm with one room, one bathroom, and one kitchen, with a fridge that had pretty much nothing besides eggs and water since I don't cook much.

"You live alone." V stated instead of ask because he did not have to. He remembers it all. He knows everything. "No Christmas tree? You must celebrate alone."

"Actually-" I started.

"I'm celebrating alone, too. Well I guess it's just us two." V cut me off.

"Actually us three. Me and Mark had plans this Christmas." I said, feeling pissed at his tone. He should be damn glad I'm not throwing his ass on the streets. I know that he is angry about knowing the truth between him and his family, but I was also too. I was also worrying my ass off for him and shedding useless tears through the restless nights while he slept on the hospital bed and this is how I get repaid. If he had something so say about us then say it, don't beat in the bush anymore.

"Is that why you're dressed up today?" V gestured at my red dress. I did not answer, instead I took out some eggs and separate the whites into a bowl and beat them with my hand until they were fluffy. It helped me vent some anger. V did not ask why I was doing it, but it must have shocked him seeing how fast I beat those whites. I preferred that he just ask instead of act like nothing happened. While venting my anger, I forgot to call Mark that I could not go today since I did not want to leave V alone on this day even though I did spend many Christmases alone after he left, but I could not make myself do it. Mark was here now and it was rude to tell him to go, so I offered him to stay the night.

"I don't have any sleep clothes and hygiene stuff with me right now." Mark said.

"It's fine I have some extra toothbrushes and we can buy some sleep clothes. How about this: all three of us can go to the market and buy gifts for each other like a Secret Santa game and I can go buy some ingredients to bake cookies and we can play games or watch a movie the rest of the night." I suggested. Mark agreed and now all three of us were in the car.

"Why don't you just drive your own car?" Mark asked V, who insisted to ride in Mark's car.

"I'm saving gas and money and the earth." V replied.

"You greedy person." Mark rebutted.

"Yah!" I said as we parked trying to calm them. We split to find gifts for each other. I went to get a gift bag and chocolate chips before searching for the gifts. I already had a gift prepared for Mark, so I was now searching for V's gift. I did not know what to get so I just got him healing cream for his scars and a card. I purchased alone so V won't know what I got him. I wondered if V and Mark did the same. When I got into the car, I noticed that Mark's bag was small.

"Why is your bag so small? Yah! I know you and V don't know each other well, but you still could have gotten him something." I said.

"I did." Mark said.

"So you did not get me a gift?" I asked. Mark did not answer, but gave me a michevious smile. I turned back and asked V why his bag was so small.

"I got small gifts, that's all." V replied.

When we were outside my apartment, Mark told V and me to go up first and that he was going to wrapped the gifts outside.

"Don't stay too long. You'll catch a cold." I said as the elevator door closed. I unlocked the door, ran into my room, locked it to prepare the gifts, so V won't see. Mark was out for a while, so I decided to make the cookies first. When Mark came in finally with a human size teddy bear that wore a Santa hat that said merry Christmas, I laughed uncontrollably since I always wanted a life size teddy bear from my boyfriend except Mark was not my boyfriend, yet.

"Isn't that too much?" V asked Mark. Mark just shrugged, handed V a gift bag, and wished him merry Christmas.

"Healing cream?" V reached into the bag and pulled out a tube of the cream.

"Oh, I got you healing cream, too. I guess you are receiving healing unicorns this Christmas." I said. "We think alike." I said to Mark. I gave Mark the personalized sweater wrapped in a box. It had GOT7 on the front and Mark on the back. "For you and best wishes for your debut. Fighting!"

V gave Mark a card that also gave best wishes for debut and gave me a locket necklace that would not open no matter how hard try to pry it open. "Why won't it open" I asked V and he just shrugged.

"Well, thank you V." I said.

"That's the third time." V mumbled. "Why do you call me that even though you know my real name is Kim Taehyung. I remember it all. The bangle, the key-" V took out the key necklace from under his shirt I thought he lost so long ago- "Us, I remember it all clearly. You belong with me."

V, of all the times he could have decided to say it, decided to do it now in front of Mark.

"No, you're wrong. The doctor said you would only remember the things you wanted to remember. You don't remember everything. We broke up before your accident." I said which was partly true. V gave a face of recognition.

Mark who had been standing there observing said, "If you remember then you must also know that I am Wendy's to be future husband." V again gave a face of recognition.

"Who initiated the break up?" V asked.

"You. You did." I replied which was also partly true. It got awkward then, so when the cookies were done, we all washed up to eat cookies and watch Stars Wars Rogue One. I got extra blankets and pillows for V and Mark and set them in the living room for them to sleep on. Then we watched and ate cookies. I watched the movie until the end, but Mark and V were in deep sleep by the time the credits were rolling. I fixed their blankets. I felt sorry for V. He suffered so much physical and mental pain in such a short period of time. His body's hurt, finally knowing that he is adopted, and lied and hurt by me. I wished in the New Year, he will have better luck.

Next chapter will be a Markdy one for all those who ship Wendy and Mark.

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