Prologue - Disappearance

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It was a chilly dark and quiet night. Not a single stars light or the moon light breaking through the clouds. The only sounds, this late at night, we the footsteps of the castle guardsmen, and at some points, the legendary Pokémon of the King and Queen.

Though on some nights, like tonight you'll find Princess Harmony of the Kanto Region, or daughter of King Ash and Queen Serena, wandering the halls, against her parents wishes.

"Cmon!" Harmony shouts silently, running through the hallway, being followed by her Pikachu and Fennekin.

"Princess! You can not keep this up forever!" The guard in charge of protecting Harmony, Winston, shouts as he walks after the princess.

Harmony giggles quietly, as she and her two Pokémon, quickly hide and take cover around a corner.

"Princess it's far to dangerous to be out this late!" Winston shouts again. "Your parents would be devastated if someone were to steal you from them."

Harmony's smile only grows as she hides around the corner. There hasn't been an invasion of a region in over 22 years. Harmony didn't believe anything could happen.

"Fine. Your parents gave me permission to tell you what happened those many years ago, and how they met." Winston says now with a smile.

Harmony was now jumping in interest and curiosity. Her parents had never told her how they met, or even what happened the years before she was born.

Harmony turns the corner to face the guard, that she has had as her protector for her entire 14 year life. Since she was born, Winston had been her guard. Watching over her, and when she got older, stood outside of her door.

"You haven't changed a single bit since you were a toddler Harmony." Winston says motioning his hand, back in the direction of her bedroom. Harmony takes the lead.

"What do you mean Winston?" Harmony asks as her Pikachu jumps on her shoulder, and Fennekin jumping to her head.

"What I mean is that you've been very playful since you were around 2 years of age." Winston answers sincerely.

"I see... now about what happened so many years ago?" Harmony asks now looking at her guards gray eyes.

"Well you see, it actually started quite a few years ago when the Kanto and Kalos regions royal families were taken hostage by a man known as Shadow." Winston starts as they walk down the hall.

He tells her the Beginning of the story, the beginnings of the rebellions and the first time he saw the team work of Ash and Serena when they were only Prince and Princess.

As they walk they see the door to Harmony's bedroom. Harmony sighs in disappointed as she knows the story will have to be finished the following morning.

"Wait can I see if my parents are awake quickly?" Harmony asks Winston, as she wants to ask them a single question if they were awake.

"Sure. Their door is right here." Winston says politely to the princess, pointing to the door and the guardsmen guarding their room.

Harmony walks up to the guards. "Hello there Princess. Your up late. Again." One of the guards say.

"Sorry. But, could you let me see my mother and father?" Harmony asks sincerely curious. Both the guards nod and let Harmony pass, and open the door.

"Mother? Father?" Harmony questions as she enters the room.

The room was dark. Like most everywhere else in the castle, and Pallet Town just outside the castle walls. The window was open, and a small breeze flowing inside. Her parents, weren't on the bed.

"Mother? Father?" Harmony questions a little more urgently. "I shouldn't be worried. They are probably just in their office."

Harmony walks to the door connecting the bedroom to her parents office. When Harmony opens the door, and doesn't see anyone she calls Winston inside.

"What's the matter Princess?" Winston asks now concerned as to why she needs help.

"Mother and Father aren't here!" Harmony says concerned for her parents safety.

After Winston has a quick look around, his eyes immediately fill with panic. "Sound the alarm!" He shouts.

"What's the matter in there?" One of the guards outside shout.

"It's the King and Queen! They have gone missing!" Winston shouts. After that, you hear the gradual disappearance of two pairs of running footsteps.

Right after the sounds disappear, a loud bell is rung. The bell means that one or more of the royalty is missing, and a castle wide search is to begin.

If they can't find the missing in the castle, the begin a search in the village, and the surrounding areas. If they aren't found then, the general of the army takes command a region wide search.

As running feet can be heard running throughout the castle, as the bell continues to be rung, Harmony drops slowly to her knees, and begins to cry...


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