Chapter 12 - Rescue Mission Saffron

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Harmony's POV
It's been two days and a lot has happened in those 48 hours. For starters, I realized I had a crush on Alex. And then shortly after I realized it, Alex told me that he had feelings for me and I was surprised. I told him that I had a crush on him and then I think something else happened but I don't remember.

Now I just finished telling everyone my plan which my uncle or Alex weren't to fond of. "Harmony are you kidding?! That's not a good plan!" My uncle Calem shouts pulling my arm away from the direction I was walking. "You can't let yourself get captured!" Alex yells at me making me feel a little bad.

"But if I do, and you watch from afar, you can find out where I am easily then save me and my dad." I say confidently starting to walk back towards Saffron City. They both sigh but Alex pulls me to the side as Calem walks further down the path. "Harmony don't do anything more dangerous then this"

"Don't worry Alex. I won't." I say smiling looking up at him. "Alright I believe you. You can do it." Alex responds with a smile. I stand on my toes and I peck him on the lips leaving him with a blush. I giggle at his reaction and start to walk down the path again to catch up to Calem.

1 day ago..
I walked around with my Pokémon looking around making sure I wouldn't be taken again. They were very protective now much more then before. I walk and run into Alex who says sorry awkwardly. "Hey Harmony" Alex says strangely like he was nervous. "Hi Alex." I respond to him. I realized I had a crush on him not too long ago and him running into me made me blush.

"So Harmony can I tell you something?" Alex asks and I nod sitting next to him on the ground. "You see.. Harmony I think I like you. Not in the friend way. I think I have feelings for you." He says that and I blush madly. "U-um I don't know what to say Alex.." I say nervously and I can see the look of sadness in his eyes.

"Okay fine. Alex I-I have a crush on you." I say to him and he looks at me. "You do?" He asks and I nod again with a bigger blush. I hug Alex tightly. "You helped save me, you tried to protect me. You kept me happy throughout this trip I've been on. Of course I'd have a crush on you." I tell and and he hugs me back.

"Harmony.. I'm glad I met you that one day." Alex smiles and holds my hand and I blush even more. "Me too Alex." I respond to him and I look up at him and quickly kiss his cheek. Before I can move away Alex makes me look up at him and he kisses me on the lips. It was amazing..

Present Day
As we approach the city I get more and more nervous. Now that uncle Calem and Alex both had to leave me alone to make me look vulnerable, I felt vulnerable. My Pokémon were in their pokeballs so they wouldn't resist anything. I quickly made my way to the not so busy areas of the city. It took me a long time to get there. the city is so big

Eventually I hear movement in an alleyway. I go near it and I get grabbed and pulled into it. It was someone wearing a dark outfit and he had my mouth covered. This was part of my plan. As pins an arm behind me and makes me move until we reached an abandoned building and he forces me inside. It's just a broken down building with an elevator.

He forces me in the elevator and we head down. Underground. I was hoping this would take me to where father is. If not then I've just been kidnapped by some random person. When we reach the bottom people are looking at me with amazement but also resentment. He forces me further into the base.

He takes his hand off my mouth as we enter the prisoner area. This was the place. "Don't worry Princess. You'll be with your father soon." He says and I yelp when he twists my wrist. We go to a cell and someone I recognize is in it. It's my father. "Ash get up. You have a visitor." And my father looks up and his eyes widen in fear when he sees me.

"Harmony no.." he says sadly as the guy opens the cell to push me in. Before he can the ground shakes and explosions occur and I hear Uncle Calem calling out attacks for his Salamence and Infernape. "Oh well. Looks like you won't be taking us today mister." I say handing my dad his pokeballs I picked up a short while ago when I was walked through where the pokeballs are kept. And he somehow didn't notice.

My father smirks and the person gets up to turn and run. "Yveltal, Pikachu, lets go." My dad says throwing two pokeballs. His Pikachu looked more angry to have been in that pokeball. The guy quickly runs down the opposite hall. Yveltal lets out a cry of anger. 'Do you need my help Harmony?' Xerneas asks and I nod my head. "I would appreciate it."

When I say that Xerneas appears next to me ready to help get me and my father out. I nod and she helps fight the way through the soldiers coming to try and capture us again but all keep getting pushed back from the two legendary Pokémon. Eventually we reach the exit and sure enough, right above us is the hole that Uncle Calem's Salamence made coming in.

"Yveltal get Harmony out of here." My dad says and he lifts me onto the legendary Pokémon. He lets out Latios and jumps on. I see Alex on Salamence and we smile at each other. My father gets on Latios and Calem back on Salamence. My dad returns all his Pokémon and Xerneas disappeared and we all fly out of the base. Next stop, we have to save my mother before it's too late..
Word count - 1063
1 chapter remains

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