Chapter 10 - Brother?

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Harmony's POV
"How much further.." I ask exhausted as we walk down the path towards Saffron City. "Not much further Princess. Maybe 5 hours. Do you have a plan?" He asks and I simply roll my eyes. "Of course I do you dummy. Go there find where my father is and get him out." I respond to him looking away.

"Doesn't seem like that plan will work too well." Alex says grabbing my arm. "And why not?" I say a little angrily. "If he is being kept prisoner he will have guards." After he says that I shrug sadly. "We can get through them. Xerneas will help to keep me safe and this will be the time to call for my other guardian."

"Listen it's more then you think. I have a feeling the people that are guarding him will take down you and all your guardian Pokémon." He says looking at me alarmed. "How would you know? You don't know who took my parents" I respond rudely but after I realize how I said it I quickly looked away ashamed of myself. "I'm so sorry.."

"Don't worry about it. It's perfectly fine Harmony." He says sincerely grabbing my hand and I begin to blush immensely. "Oh my well Alex you are making a girl blush." I hear a voice to my left and I quickly look to see a boy with familiar look to Alex. "What are yo doing here.." Alex grumbles getting a pat on the back.

"The names Aaron. What is your name fine lady?" Aaron asks coming up to me. Alex gives me a look telling me not to tell him. "I'm sorry I just met you and I don't trust you." I say looking away quickly. Not only the look Alex gave me but also the way Aaron is looking at me told me I couldn't trust him.

"You can trust me. I'm Alex's brother." He says with a calming smile causing me to relax. "I don't care I don't trust you." I respond to him calmly. His voice seems to make me calm down a lot more then it does to my Pokémon and Alex. Something is up with this guy. And it's not something good.

He looks to my necklace and smiles. "You must be Princess Harmony." He says in his calm tone. This time it was much calmer. Making me calm down more. It's like his voice was a drug. It was impossible to get rid of. His voice was so calm. It's like how my father used to talk to me when I was little and crying.

"Well let's set up camp Alex for this fine princess. It's getting late." He says winking at me and I quickly hide behind Alex. "Stop getting into my head." I say seriously. "What do you mean? I'm not getting into your head." He says even more calm and I calm down completely. Aaron grabs Alex's wrist and drags him to a clearing leaving me where I was.

As they start setting up two tents one for me and one for the two brothers. Something was definitely weird about Aaron. The way he talks. The way he looks at me. The way he looked at my necklace. He isn't good. He's bad news. I don't like him. He's too calm. Too sweet. No one could be as sweet as he is naturally.

While they set up the tents I start gathering things and begin to cook some soup for dinner. Fennekin and Eevee help me put it all together and within 30 minutes it's all done. "Supper is ready!" I shout getting out three bowls made out of leaves I could travel with. They didn't drip.

After dinner I was in my tent and the boys were in theirs. It was really nice. All alone in my tent. I hear some footsteps. "Sleep well princess." Aaron says and he walks away quickly. A little too quickly.. 'Harmony be careful of him. Good night.' Xerneas says and I lay down to sleep and fall asleep quickly.
It had to be a couple hours since I fell asleep. 'Harmony I can't get out of my realm! Something is keeping me in! Wake up! Hurry! You are in danger!' I hear in my head and I shook awake only to see Aaron's face inches from mine. "Ah well you are awake. That makes my job a little difficult." He says and my eyes widen in fear.

He takes something off the ground. It looked hard but shot. He covered my mouth but I jumped and tried to run. He grabbed my arms and pinned them behind me. The hand on my mouth was lifted off and I let out a scream. Right afterwards something pokes my neck. It was a needle. I quickly fall to the ground and pass out..

Alex's POV
I hear a scream and I wake up quicker then I ever have before. I look over to see that Aaron wasn't there. My eyes widen in sudden realization and I jump up and run outside. "Harmony?!" I yell worriedly. "Harmony where are you?!" I shout running up to her tent. Her and her pokeballs were gone. A syringe was on the ground and it was empty.

"Oh no.. oh god no!" I shout calling out my Fletchinder "Find Harmony!" I shout and he takes off into the sky. "What have I done! I should've grabbed Harmony and ran!" I shout as tears start to fall from my eyes. "It's all my fault!" I yell at the top of my lungs and then a Salamence lands in front of me. I look up and see King Calem of Kalos. "Who took her" is all he said..
Word count - 960
3 chapters remain.

Only three chapters left! Then the epilogue then the last book which will be Amourshipping again!

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