Chapter 8 - Break

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Harmony's POV
"So you mean to tell me that Xerneas is your guardian? I thought she only lived in Kalos." Alex says looking at the ground. "I think she lives both places. And in her little world but she has been protecting me since I was 4 months old." I respond with a smile twiddling my fingers.

"Are you nervous?" Alex asks looking at my fingers. "What? Nervous? No way!" I shout with a slight waver in my voice. "You are nervous. Why are you nervous?" He asks causing me to look up. "Oh you know, some guy just tried to kidnap me a couple hours ago and he knows my mother." I roll my eyes.

"Well Xerneas is here to protect you. So are your Pokémon." Alex says sincerely with a smile. "Oh and I also have another protector. But he won't be there whenever I need help." I respond to him smiling back. "Really? who is it?" Alex had a shimmer in his eyes. "It's a secret."

"Why do you keep secrets?" He asks me and I look at him strangely. "Everyone has secrets. Even if it is well hidden." I say as I start playing with Fennekin. "Those Pokémon seem to really like you Harmony." "Well of course they like me Alex. They are my Pokémon."

"Well I know that Harmony, but they are extremely close to you. I've never seen Pokémon as close as they are to you." He adds to his statement making me wonder. "Well you should see how close my father and his Pikachu are." I respond happily looking at him. "I wonder how they are doing now.."

"I'm sure that they are doing fine Harmony. They are the strongest King and Queen I've ever heard of." He says with a confident smile. "Yes.. Yes of course. They are pretty amazing." I look to him with a smile. "Cmon. Next stop, Saffron City!" I shout as I start to run off again. "Wait up!" Alex calls from behind me.

"Oh cmon you have to be faster then that!" I smile and run as fast as I can. I can hear footsteps getting closer from behind. "Watch out!" I hear Alex shout and I hear him trip. I turn around only to have him fall into me sending us both to the ground. "I told you to watch out." Alex smiles then starts to laugh. After staring at him for a little longer I start to laugh with him.

Calem's POV
"What are you doing to my sister!" I shout angrily at him. The one who almost killed Serena years ago, Shadow. I still don't know his real name. "I'm doing what I was going to do to her, but much slowly this time" he responds with a smirk. "You said you wouldn't hurt her!" I yell loudly. "Oh? I don't remember that."

I growl under my breath and turn to walk out of the room. "Oh and Calem?" Shadow calls as I about step out of the room. "What is it." I respond with an angry attitude. "We will find their daughter." Shadow lets out a laugh as I quickly turn back around and walk quickly out of his chambers.

"I need to get Serena out.. I need to find Harmony and warn her." I say to my soldier from Kalos who came with me to Kanto. "Of course sir. We will find a way. I know you care dearly for your sister and your niece." I nod agreeing with what he said. Of course I do. I wouldn't be able to live if something were to happen to my sister or niece.

"What about Ash sir?" The guard asks. "We have to find a way to get him out. This kingdom can't run without a king for more then a year." I respond to him as we walk towards the prison cells. "You mean this kingdom will collapse?" "That is exactly what I mean. Especially with what he has done for everyone."

As we approach the room with the cell in it I can hear Serena crying. "Excuse me." I say to the guard watching the outside. He nods and lets me in. "Leave." I say to the guard inside and he does what I say. I approach the cell that Serena was in and I squeeze her hand through the bars.

She turns towards me and her face was stained with tears. I open the cell door. "C-Calem.." Serena whimpers shakily as she hugs me. "It's okay.. I'm here little sister.." I say with a soothing voice. "Where's Ash.. where's Harmony.." she asks quietly. "I don't know where they are.. I am going to find Harmony. I will keep her safe." I try to smile but she looks up saddened.

"I want my family.." she whimpers softly hugging me tighter. "Don't worry. I'll find Harmony. With her we can find Ash." I hold back my tears. I hate it when my sister cries. When she was young she cried a lot. I always hated it. I always tried to calm her down. As she got older it was sometimes impossible to calm her down. She most of the time went to her room to calm herself.

"Calem get out here." My guard says opening the door. "I'm sorry Serena I have to go.." Serena shakes her head and holds me tighter. "Listen something came up. My guard wouldn't have called me out if there wasn't anything.." I say motioning the guard to wait outside. "Fine.. b-but don't you die.." Serena says staring at me. "And what if you can't protect her.." she asks and my heart breaks a little.

"Like I did with Shauna, I will protect her with all my might. If I can't.. Xerneas will protect her." I respond softly and Serena let's go of the hug. "Tell my daughter I miss her.. and tell Shauna you will be home soon.." "I'm not going home until I know you are safe little sister."

"Once you and Harmony save Ash, go home.. go home to mother and Shauna.." Serena says and she starts to cry again. I sigh and bring her into a hug. "I'm sorry Serena.." tears sting my eyes as I leave the room. I head over to my guard and the one guarding Serena went back inside.

"What did you need to tell me?" I ask as we walk outside into the night sky. The stars were shining brightly tonight. "Shadow's eldest son is going to find Harmony and bring her to his father." After that I look at him alarmed. "When was this?" I ask him as I turn around to look at him. "Just as you went inside to talk to your sister sir."

I quickly call out Salamence and he looks at me worried and so did the guard. "I have to find Harmony." I tell the guard who nods. "Have a safe trip sir. Keep Harmony safe." He says quickly. "What are my orders?" "You need to stay here and be my replacement for Shadow while I'm gone. When I get my niece safe I will get you a message and then you leave" I say to him climbing on Salamence.

The guard nods and heads back inside and out of sight. "Salamence let's go." I say to the dragon type and he takes off faster then ever and we start soaring through the sky. "I really hope my niece is safe.." I say silently looking up at the sky laying on Salamence's back. "We have to hurry.."
Word count - 1263

Sorry for the delay on this chapter! It's been what? Like three days since the last chapter? I should make it a goal to make this updated at most every other day. I mean it is still summer vacation for a month. Hmm every other day is a goal now!

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