Chapter 1 - The Plans

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It's been a full week since the sudden disappearance of both King Ash and Queen Serena At the current time, the citizens of Kanto, had begun to panic 4 days ago as word of the disappearance of Ash and Serena spread around the region.

The moment a massive city like Viridian City got word of the disappearance of the most beloved King and Queen ever to live, panic spread like wild fire, and plunged the city into chaos. Every village, town, and city in Kanto had plunged into chaos, in turn, caused the entire region to go into panic mode.

King Ash and Queen Serena were known as the two royals to bring world peace for the first time in history, there were no wars, or anything. It was only a matter of time before someone got out of Kanto, and told someone in another region, and then that region wouldn't be as effected, but there could be a world war if the two were not found.

No one knows where the King and Queen went. Now, The General was almost completely in charge of the Region. But that's almost.

"It's very possible that they could've been kidnapped. By Johto. They are the closest." An advisor states confidently.

"Well if that's the case it could be any of the other regions. Including Kalos." The General States with a hidden smirk.

"General! You seriously cannot be considering that our most trusted ally, have kidnapped my mother and father, could you?" Harmony says angrily as she walks into the room, staring down the General.

"Oh. Princess. It's you. Well it could be possible." The General states staring back at the girl.

"It is not possible! My uncle and my grandmother would never allow it!" Harmony shouts slamming her hand down on a table.

"Now I say we invade..." The General starts before getting cut off yet again by Harmony.

"No invasions General! That will cause a war!"

"Listen Princess, it's the best chance we have at finding your parents." The General states stepping towards the girl and her Eevee

"No General! Your job is to conduct a region wide search! Not conduct an invasion of another region!" Harmony states holding her ground.

"You can't tell me what to do!" He shouts getting close to the girl, causing Winston to intervene, stopping the General from touching her.

"Actually General, in case you forgot, I am Princess Harmony Ketchum, daughter of King Ash Ketchum and Queen Serena Ketchum! And according to them, I have authority over you. Oh also, if you do any harm to me, you will be arrested for treason."

Everyone in the room turns to the the young Princess in surprise. No one knew she could turn so serious. They always knew her as a playful young girl, not disciplined by her parents. Turns out they were wrong.

After a short silence, Winston speaks. "She's correct General Davis. She does have authority over you."

"F-fine! On your command Princess." General Davis says as he grabs a sheet of paper, writing down orders for a region wide search.

As the General is writing his sheet of paper, Harmony exits the room with a smile on her face, followed closely by Winston.

Even though she won that fight, if nothing was done, a war would break out.

They had a kingdom of peace. The only reason why they have an army under their command, was if the region was to for whatever reason was attacked. The Kantonian army began its massive recruitment after Ash and Serena saved Ash's parents.

Now the Kantonian army was the largest and most powerful ever created in the history of the world. Which also meant, the person or people in charge of the army, could basically overthrow the King and Queen if he/she so desires. That's why Harmony's parents made the law stating the General had no authority over the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess.

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