Chapter 9 - Tentions on the Rise

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Winston's POV
"Sir! The Johto region is mobilizing troops on the border and the Sinnoh region is mobilizing their navy!" A soldier says running up to me. "We need you in the briefing room immediately." He adds to his statement. "Why me?" I ask. I've never been asked this. "Because if you forgot, Harmony put you in her spot while she's away." He responds and I nod following him.

"We are on the brink of war gentlemen. Tensions have risen to its breaking point. Both Johto and Sinnoh are mobilizing their military. Kalos is starting to mobilize a defensive army and has requested help from the Kanto region." The second in command, Luna says looking around. "Ma'am I just got word that the Hoenn Region has also began to mobilize!"

"This may be the beginning of a war. We need to find allies and deploy our own defensive army to defend Kanto from the impending invasion" The General says standing from his chair. I see a little smirk. "I believe we should send the help that Kalos needs. I heard that King Calem is not there only leaving Queen Shauna to command. Plus their army is not too strong."

"Alright deploy a third of our defensive naval fleet to the Kalos region with troop transports. Defend Kalos at all costs if war breaks out." Luna says sighing as the soldier runs to tell the Admiral of the Defensive Fleet. "Winston what do you think we should do about our army?" The General asks with a hint of something sinister.

"Well.." I say starting to think. "I believe they should be put on standby. It's no use to put them directly at the border. Johto will take it as a declaration of war. Deploy the defensive fleet to currently protect this town." I say and I get looks of approval from everyone except the General. "We'll do that." Luna says pointing to another soldier and he walks out to tell the armies higher ups.

"Excuse me Madam but I believe you don't make the decisions around here." The general says glaring at Luna. "I'm sorry?" Luna says glaring back. "I'm making the best decision for our region. You have been known to make bad decisions and I am not allowing you to cause a war sir." Luna adds still glaring. "Why you little.." the general says reaching out to grab her.

"General that is enough." I say grabbing his arm. "So now you are in charge? Why am I not? Princess Harmony isn't here." He says pulling his arm away. "The princess put me in her place. I have her command not you." I respond calmly. He growls and stands up. He slowly walks out mumbling something.

"Alright gentlemen do your duties! If war breaks out we will defend our region." Luna says walking out as well. "Ma'am!" The people in the hall say at the same time and they all walk out. "Winston I like your idea." She says when everyone leaves. "Thank you.' I respond looking out the door. "I have hope Harmony will find her parents."

"I do too. She needs to find them and she will." I respond to her. "If she doesn't then the war will come." Luna says sadly. "Over 20 years of peace and it could all go away." I say to her and start to walk towards the door. "Oh and Luna?" I say as I step out the door. "Yes?" She asks. "You would be a much better general. I will ask the royalty when they get back to promote you." I say with a smile. I hear her say I don't have to do that but I ignore her.
Word count - 618
4 Chapters Remain

Sorry for the shorter chapter. Also only 4 more chapters left 😭 then only one more book in this trilogy. So sad 😭 it'll be my first story series I had planned I'll finish 😭 here are the last chapter down below

Chapter 10 - Brother?
Chapter 11 - Taken
Chapter 12 - Rescue Mission Saffron
Chapter 13 - Saving on Cinnabar Island

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