Chapter 7 - It's a Trap

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Serena's POV
"Serena listen to me." Calem says calmly trying to hug me. I slap his hands away. "Don't touch me." I saw scowling at him. "How dare you work for whoever it was that kidnapped me and Ash!" I shout at him as tears began to sting my eyes again. "Serena listen!" He shouts grabbing my arm.

"This was the only way to keep you alive! If I didn't work for him he'd have killed you!" After he says that he lets go of my arms causing me to stumble backwards in my cell. "K-kill me?.." I ask now petrified. "Someone wants to kill me.." "yes! Remember the man that had taken over both our kingdoms?" He asks and now I look him in the eyes.

"Y-yes.." I say warily hoping no one was listening. "He's the one that got you and Ash kidnapped!" He shouts causing me to start to cry. "I-I thought he was dead!" I yell at him not believing him. "Stop lying to your sister!" "I'm not lying to you Serena! He's back and now he's after Harmony!" He shouts before leaving the room in a hurry and slams the door leaving me to my thoughts.

The last words kept floating in my head. 'And now he's after Harmony!' That monster is after my daughter.. my little girl.. he can't take her! Not after I already lost my little boy so many years ago.. "he can't! He can't take my daughter!" I shout angrily as a guard comes into the room with my cell.

"Get out!" I demand as I cry in the corner of my cell. "I'm sorry it's against my orders to leave you alone you pesky Queen." He says with a smirk. "Oh put that smirk away!" I shout standing up and slapping him through the bars. "Now get OUT!" I yell and he quickly makes his way out of the room.

After he shuts the door I collapse to my knees and start crying into my hands. I don't know where I am, where Ash is, why Calem my brother didn't let me out, where my daughter is and what's happening to her now.. " Xerneas that flower better protect Harmony.." I whimper as I sit with my back to the corner of the cell again.

Harmony's POV
"Look there's Pewter City!" I hear Alex yell as I run to catch up to him. Once I stand next to him I can see the city. "Alright!" I shout happily as my Pokémon jump on my shoulders and head. "Okay now where do we look. We haven't seen him since we were little."

"Whoa you just got here and you are looking for someone?" Alex asks before I glare at him. "In case you forgot, I'm looking for this person because my mother and father have been kidnapped and he could help me." I say and he puts his hands up in defeat. "Okay then. Sooo who you looking for?"

"I'm looking for my fathers close friend. His name is Brock but he's usually traveling around to help Pokémon." I say with a glimmer in my eyes. "He's been a real inspiration to me. I'm glad that my father knows him." I add as I walk into the city. It seemed quiet. Not like there was any panic.

"Well lets check his home first. Most logical answer." Alex says coming up next to me. "Obviously." I roll my eyes as I say it. "Now cmon its this way." I say and He lets out a chuckle. "And what's so funny mister?" I ask him with my hands on my hips. He just looks at me. "It's nothing." What he said causes me to roll my eyes.

"Hey Harmony?" He asks standing behind me. I turn around and start walking backwards. "What is it Alex?" I ask innocently. "Well I'd like to know more about you. We haven't even said what our favorite color is." He asks but I shake my head. "Too late! Here we are!" I shout turning around and knocking on the door.

There was no answer so I knock again. "Hello? Brock you there? it's me. Harmony?" I ask knocking on the door again. "Strange.. I'd think he'd want to see me again." I say and Alex shakes his head. "Maybe he just.." Alex starts before the door opens by itself. There was no one that opened it.

"Hello?" I question and take a step inside. Alex follows me in but the Pokémon stay outside. "Anyone home? Brock? Cmon it's me! Harmony!" I shout and it echoes off the walls. "The lights are on but where is Brock?" I ask Alex even though I know he doesn't know the answer.

I step into another room and I see someone sitting on the couch. I approach him slowly, my paranoia telling me to stay away. I see the persons lips curl into a smile. "Hello there pesky Princess. You should be with your mommy right now." The person says and he's a boy. "Harmony stay away from him! It's a trap!"

I take two steps backwards towards Alex's voice but it was too late. The hooded man on the couch threw a pokeball and a Tyranitar appears blocking my exit. "I'm going to tell you what I told your mother. I think it would be best if you come with me Princess Harmony." The man says standing up.

"You took them.. you took my parents!" I shout angrily. "Why yes I did princess. My name is Shadow." He says stroking my cheek with his hand. "I don't care who you are!" Where are they!" I shout demanding an answer slapping his hand away. "I'm sorry Princess. I can't tell you." He says with a chuckle. "Stay away from her!" I hear Alex yell as he gets past Tyranitar and grabs my hand.

"Excuse me Alex. I think you should leave." The man asks rudely. "No. Harmony comes with me" Alex says grabbing my hand. He takes my hand and pulls me towards the exit. Tyranitar let's me and Alex pass. "Tyranitar Hyper beam!" The man shouts and I turn around to see the attack heading towards me and Alex. Alex gets in front of me.

I close my eyes but before the attack can hit something extremely fast moving gets in front of me and Alex and gets hit by the attack instead. An explosion happens and dust flys. When I open my eyes I see Xerneas with its back towards me and Alex. "Xerneas!" I shout happily. Xerneas turns it's head towards me and nods. "Get Xerneas!" The man says and Tyranitar breaks through the door way.

'I promised your mother and father I'd keep you safe. This won't be a problem.' Xerneas says turning her head back towards Shadow and Tyranitar. 'Run.' She says and I shake my head. "I'm not just leaving you!" I shout stubbornly. 'Harmony now!' Xerneas yells and it scares me. I turn around and run with Alex's hand in mine. My Pokémon running after us.

After we run for an hour we decide just to walk through route 3. "Phew good thing Xerneas was there.." I say exhausted looking towards Alex. "Yup.. hey Princess you have some explaining to do." He says causing me to look at him and stop. "Explain what?" I ask looking into his eyes. "Explain that Xerneas thing."
Word count - 1241

And that's the end of this chapter. Be sure to tell me what you think! Tyranitar Tyranitar Tyranitar. Seems like we may have seen this Tyranitar before huh? Yes we definitely have.

Authors Note - I really hope you are enjoying this story. I'm sorry that it isn't Amourshipping like Together was. But the next one will be so don't worry. Even if you only started to read hoping for Amourshipping moments like in the first one I'm sorry, and if you are enjoying anyway, that's great!
I also hope you all are having a wonderful day or night wherever you are.

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