Chapter 11 - Taken

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Harmony's POV
I wake up with a huge headache. I open my eyes and see barely anything. I sit there feeling my head pounding while my eyes adjust to the darkness. I could hear dripping of water from nearby. After my eyes get adjusted I notice that I'm inside of a cave.

I groan as I sit up slowly. I see my three Pokémon laying on the ground surrounded by a cage. I try to get up and run to the cage but I'm being held down by chains. It hurts since I pulled hard at them. I let out a yelp. Pikachu quickly jerks up and sees me with tears in my eyes.

Pikachu slams against the cages bars trying to get out, letting out a cry with every impact. "Pikachu stop it!" I shout trying to get his attention. "Please Pikachu stop!" I shout again this time pleasingly and he turns towards me with sadness in his eyes. "You need to sleep.. please get your rest.. I'll be alright.." I say soothingly with a smile.

Pikachu nods and curls into a ball and soon he's asleep. "Xerneas.. Rayquaza.. where are you two.." I whimper softly pulling softly at the chains holding me down. "Good morning Princess. Good thing you are awake." I hear Aaron say and I turn to him with a scowl. "What? Are you not happy to see me darling?"

"Don't call me darling you jerk." I say rudely getting a look. "What? No other words? Did your parents raise you so well that you don't know how to say anything more hurtful?" He asks with a smirk walking up to me. "Don't you talk about my parents like that." I respond as he strokes his finger over my cheek.

"They are alive. For now" Aaron says to me forcing me to look up at him. "You will be taken to my father, he will kill you and your parents, and then the General will take control of your own army." He adds to his statement and I stare at him with disgust. "I should've listened to Xerneas.." I say under my breath but he catches it. "Ah so that's the Pokémon I kept in her realm."

"Oh shut up!" I yell angrily and I roll my eyes. "Is Xerneas not coming to save you? Well then I can do this." Aaron pulls out a small knife from his pocket and puts it against my arm. "Don't you dare.." there's a small waver in my voice. He catches it and smirks. "Oh I dare." He smirks and tries to push the knife to cut me.

A little flower pattern appears on my arm and Aaron goes flying backwards. "W-what was that.." i gasp looking at Aaron and the knife that landed next to him. Aaron gets up and smirks. "Xerneas gave you her blessing. Probably from when you almost died at two months old." He says evilly and I look at him with fear.

"H-how'd you know that.." I ask scared as he approaches me. I notice a needle in his hand. "Don't need to know. Now I say you get ready to be taken to my father." He says putting the needle in my neck causing me to gasp in pain. I feel myself fall to the ground again and everything goes blurry. "Sleep well pesky princess." He says as everything goes dark. Before I pass out I hear an angry Pokémon cry..

Calem's POV
I approach a cave on Salamence with that kid named Alex. As we approach I see someone inside and Salamence lets out an angry cry. "Alex get ready." I say handing him his pokeballs. "You got it." He says and he lets out his Fletchinder as we land. I get off Salamence and I see Harmony unconscious being chained down.

"Welcome King Calem. Here to save your niece hm? The names Aaron" a person says coming out throwing a pokeball into the air and catching it again. "I'm sorry your highness. I won't let you." He says and I hear two more Pokémon cries. Two extremely angry sounding ones. "I'm sorry? I don't think these two will let you get away with it." I say smirking.

Right after I say that Rayquaza almost literally falls from the sky and flys in as fast as light. Xerneas walks in with a look that could kill. Coming from the life Pokémon, I don't think anyone would believe that Xerneas would get this upset. 'Let Harmony free this instant' Xerneas demands but Aaron shakes his head.

"I don't take order from you." Aaron says looking her in the eyes. Rayquaza flys through the top of the cave creating a hole. He then comes down and grabs Aaron and flys high and Aaron shouts that he'll let her go if they don't drop him. We agreed and he unlocked the chains and the cage holding the Pokémon. After that he runs as fast as he can. "Now time to save Ash.." I say putting Harmony on Salamence and The legendary Pokémon leave the area..
Word count - 852
2 Chapters Remain

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