Chapter 13 - Saving on Cinnabar Island (Final Chapter)

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Serena's POV
I was allowed to walk around now. I wasn't being kept in my cell. It was nice, however I was still under guard.. well it makes sense. I am a prisoner.. I hope Calem found Harmony. "Queen Serena follow me. The boss is expecting you." A guard says and I sigh because I have no other choice but to go. If I didn't I don't know what the consequences would be.

He leads me to a room with a big door. He opens it and pushes me inside and follows. I look around and see the person who probably ordered my kidnapping. He looked familiar. Too familiar.. then it hit me. As I look at him more and more I recognize him. It's Shadow. "No I don't want to talk to him." I say firmly trying to turn around.

"Too bad my Queen. Hold her down." Shadow says and the guard grabs my upper arms and he holds me still and Shadow walks up too me. I struggle in the guards grip but he won't let me go. "Serena. Darling. Do you know what has happened just a day ago?" He asks forcing me to look up at him. "No. I don't."

"You see, your brother Calem has betrayed me. He saved your daughter and helped save your husband. Hopefully he knows the consequences. His wife and mother will be killed and so will you along with your daughter." He says with a smirk and I look at him with shock.

"This is between you and me! Leave my mother, daughter, and Shauna alone!" I shout angrily and I try to kick him. I miss and he glares at me. "They will die." He says and someone walks in. I recognize his voice as he speaks. It's the General. "Sir we have captured the girl."

"Ah that's good General. Bring her to me." Shadow says walking away. "You traitor.." I whisper as the General comes over. "All you ever wanted was control.." he stopped in front of me. "My Queen, your reign of peace will be over soon." He says with a smirk and I kick him. "You won't get away with this." I say kicking him again.

"My husband will stop you and Shadow. He's already done it before" I scowl at him. "He can't. He won't before you and Harmony will both be on the ground dead." He says to me rubbing my arm with his hand. "Leave. Now." I say coldly as someone comes in behind me.

"Princess welcome." The General says as he grabs her arm and pulls her to the center of the room. "No.." I say trying to pull away from the guards grip. I couldn't let him hurt my daughter. Harmony looks at me sadly with a look saying this wasn't the plan. "Grey don't do this!" I shout angrily at the General.

"I'll do it. Right now." The General says unsheathing a sword and stabs Harmony in the back. "NO!!" I shout finally getting free from the guard and I run to my daughter. "Harmony stay with me!" I shout and I put her head on my lap. "Harmony don't go please stay awake!"

Harmony coughs weakly. "Mom.. you can do it.. she says with a weak smile. "You can pull through.. I love you.." Harmony says and she closes her eyes and she goes limp. "No.. not Harmony.. no.." I say as tears come to my eyes and the door opens again and Ash runs in along with a boy. Calem wasn't here which means he would be protecting mother and Shauna.

"Xerneas you said you'd protect her.." I whimper as I start to cry. "Harmony!" Ash shouts running up to us seeing Harmony on the ground. "No.." Ash says softly stroking her hair and moves a couple strands from her eyes. "Yveltal, Pikachu, Latios, get rid of them all.. Ash says and the two legendary Pokémon break from their pokeballs and Pikachu hops off his shoulder.

The door all of a sudden breaks down again and a blur comes into the room. It was Greninja and he was attacking from behind. Shortly the only people in the room were Ash's Pokémon, Ash, me, the boy, Harmony, the General, and Shadow. I look around as my tears spill. "Harmony!!" I shout shaking her and Xerneas appears as Ash takes off towards Shadow again as he did years ago.

'She isn't dead.' Xerneas plainly says and I look at her shocked. "What do you mean?" 'It was her plan. She actually has bags of that ketchup that Pikachu likes and some sort of armor to protect her from stab wounds. She is perfectly alive.' Xerneas says and I look down and Harmony opens her eyes. "I'm alive Mom." She says and I hug her tightly. All of a sudden soldiers from the Kantonian army storm the room. Shadow disappeared immediately leaving Ash swinging at nothing,

"Arrest him." I say pointing to the General. "He's a traitor." After that the General gets handcuffs on and he is escorted from the room with an extremely angry expression. The second in command, Luna walks in and asks if we are alright. "We are fine Luna." Ash says happily. "But shadow escaped." He adds with a frown.

"We'll get him one day sir. I'm sure of it." Luna says with a smile. I get all my Pokémon back and I rejoin with them happily. I missed them all so much and I told that to every single one of them. After everything that's happened, it was finally over. All of it was over and now.. Harmony had someone for her too.
~ The End ~
And that's it! This story is completed! However there is still the epilogue and then details on the third and final book in this trilogy. I hope everyone who read this enjoyed it. The next book will be Amourshipping. That's all I'm giving now though.

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