Chapter 4 - Hurt

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Serena's POV
"I swear if you hurt my daughter!" I shout rattling the bars on my cell. "I swear I'll.." I begin but before I finish the person guarding me covers my mouth with his hand. "Don't say a single word Queen Serena." He says before lifting his hand away from me.

"My husband will make you pay for what you've done to us.." I mumble getting a look from the guard. "I wouldn't be too sure. Does he even know where you are? Are will you be helpless to stop us?" He responds looking me in the eyes with the darkest glare I've ever seen.

"I said let me out if this!" I demand only getting another dirty look making me cower. "Scared you." He smirks looking at me. "Where is she." I hear someone say from outside where I was. "She's just in here sir." Another person says and a metal door into this room was opened. I look but am blinded by the sunlight coming through the door.

"Leave us." A familiar voice says and I rub my eyes and get used to the light. But the door closes so I have to get used to the dark again. Once my eyes adjust tears come to my eyes as they widen. "Hey there little sis.." the boy says looking at me. "C-Calem?.."
Harmony's POV
I had slept a little too much. I am traveling to find my parents and I sleep too much. What is wrong with me? All of a sudden I feel a little nuzzle and I wake up instantly seeing Eevee. Then I see Fennekin and Pikachu. "I thought I told you two to go back to the castle." I say sternly but they both tilt their heads.

"Oh nevermind. Cmon it's time that we got going today don't you think?" I ask and all three of my Pokémon nod. I stand up smiling and step out from under a tree. I stretch and my Pokémon make a little triangle as to surround me. "Awww you three are so nice." I say to them knowing it's to protect me from an attack from all sides. They always put me first.

All three Pokémon cry out in glee and walk with me as we walk through the trees on route 2. It's been a few days since I got the message from Greninja. I was going to Pewter City. One of my fathers friends live there. He's really nice. I hope he's not off in another region because then he won't get back. He doesn't have any flying Pokémon so he couldn't fly back.

"Do you three miss my parents?" I ask my three little Pokémon while sighing. They all nod and quickly tackle me o the ground happily. "Hey get off." I say giggling uncontrollably. But instead of that they all nuzzle my face. "H-hey stop that!" I shout still laughing. "T-That tickles!"

After a few more minutes of non stop nuzzling they finally stop and let me sit up. They sat at my feet looking up at me. I smile at them. "You three are such trouble." I say pouting before I start smiling. They were looking at the ground. "But you are the best trouble makers ever." I add hugging all three in my arms. They all look back at me happily.

"Now cmon. We only have about I'd say around 24 hours before we arrive at Pewter City." I say standing up and all three of them jump to the ground in the same little formation around me that they were before they attacked me with the nuzzles. I do love the nuzzles though. They always make me happy.
We had been walking for three hours. We haven't stopped because we haven't found a place to rest. Me and my Pokémon were exhausted. "There has to be some water somewhere!" I shout frustrated because I was so thirsty. I haven't been able to fill my water bottle at all. I could only imagine how thirsty my Pokémon were.

After another 15 minutes I hear some water flowing and we walk through the trees and see a big river. "Water!" I shout happily. Pikachu, Eevee, and Fennekin all run to the water happily. They were all happy that they could finally drink some water after 3 hours of continuous walking. Even though they took turns being held in my arms. So they didn't have to walk three hours straight. But I did

"Finally I can drink something.." I say opening my water bottle and filling it with water. I drink the entire bottle quickly and go to fill it again. I stop when I see my reflection in the water. I see my honey blonde hair and my blue eyes. They remind me of my mother.

All of a sudden I hear a cry from above. There was a flying Pokémon. It was diving towards me and I could see it in the waters reflection. I quickly look up and see a Salamence flying straight towards me. I see a flamethrower fly extremely fast at me and I barely jump out of the way.

All three Pokémon immediately take notice and get into battling position ready to defend me. That was their major goal. Before much could happen Salamence lets out a dragon rage sending my three Pokémon flying across the floor. They landing unconscious."NO!!" I shout angrily and then Salamence lands in front of me. He was still flying slightly off the ground.

He lets out a hyper beam and before I can react the attack hits the ground in front of me sending me flying. As I fly through the air I scream. When I land everything begins to become fuzzy. Before I pass out an attack hits the Salamence and it flees even though the other attack wasn't that strong. I see a boy running up to me and then everything goes black..
Okay so I'm going to update this again. It's not on hold but it's also currently not a priority book. But I'll still update it!

Well now do you think Calem, Serena's brother could be behind everything? Or is it someone else?
And wait, who is this boy that seems to have rescued Harmony? You'll just have to wait until the next chapter to find out ;)

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