Chapter 6 - Who are you?

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Harmony's POV
I opened my eyes to see a blinding light. It quickly died down as my eyes adjusted. I tried to sit up but that sent a burning pain through my leg. "Arceus! That hurts!" I shout in pain and I hear a shuffling next to me. "Stay away!" I yell cowering behind my hands. "Relax! I won't hurt you." I hear a boy about my age say.

"W-what? W-who are you?" I ask looking at the boy. "My name is Alex. What's yours?" He asks reaching his hand out. "M-my name is Harmony.. wait what about Eevee and Fennekin and Pikachu!" I shout worriedly looking around. "Relax they are right there." He says pointing at a fire. I then realize I'm in a cave.

"My Chespin is taking care of them. You were all hurt pretty bad from that Salamence." He adds shaking his head. "Is anything hurting Harmony?" He questions looking me in the eyes. "Umm well my leg hurts pretty bad.." I respond looking down. "Mind if I take a look?"

He looks so calm. It's like he has gone through situations like this before. Maybe he has. I slowly nod and he moves my pant leg so he can see. "Uh oh." He says worriedly. "What's uh oh?" I ask a little frantically. "Oh it's nothing. I thought that I saw something to be worried about." He says and I sigh happily.

"It's late. You should just go back to sleep Harmony. You need the energy." He says calmly and I tilt my head. I look outside and see stars in the sky and I gasp. "How long was I out?" I question hoping he says only a few hours. "Harmony you've been out of consciousness for two days." After he says that tears come to my eyes.

"Harmony don't cry. Just lay down and go to sleep." He says putting his hand on my shoulder. I listen and lean against the wall of the cave and close my eyes. I hope my parents aren't going to get taken anywhere.. I missed two days! Two days of finding my parents..

5 hours later
I wake up again and smell something delicious. I open my eyes to see the sun shining. It was early sunrise. "Oh good morning Harmony. Did you sleep well?" Alex asks as I sit up. "Uh yep.. I slept alright.." I respond looking out of the cave again. "You hungry?" He asks and I nod my head slowly.

Alex puts a bowl in front of me. It looked just like some sort of bread in some water. It honestly didn't look to appetizing. I took the spoon he gave me and I looked at the bread weirdly. I used the spoon to cut through it and I grabbed it out of the water. I bit it and the water surprisingly wasn't water.

The water turned out to be a delicious soup broth and the bread had soaked in it. "Yummmm.." I say and I cut the bread more and take more bites. It was absolutely amazingly delicious. "Is it good?" Alex asks and I nod really fast. "I'll take that as you love it." He says with a chuckle.

"Well yeah it really is.." I say as I feel my face heat up a little. Then a thought came to me. I am blushing a little. Why would I even be blushing?! It's just good food and he just chuckled. That shouldn't make me blush at all! No it definitely shouldn't. If father was here he'd be in trouble.

Alex's POV
After I saw that I think that she loves it I see a light pink appear on her cheeks. "She couldn't be blushing could she? No it isn't possible. She has no reason to be blushing. She just might be a little hot. Okay nononono don't take it like that. Like heat hot. Not.. that other thing." I think in my head as I look away.

I look back after a couple seconds and Harmony had finished her food. Then I look in her eyes which are sparkling. They were a beautiful light blue. I then see a necklace that I've Seen only in newspapers. "W..wait y..your.." I begin before stopping when she looks at me. "I'm who?"

" are Princess Harmony!" I shout putting my sentence together. "What are you doing here?" I continue getting a scared look from her. "W-well I mean.. my parents have gone missing.." she says looking at the wall trying to stand up. "Are you looking for them?" I ask and she looks at me. Her Pokémon jump on her before she can stand.

"Hey you three.." she says with tears in her eyes. "Yes I'm looking for them.. please help me stand up. We need to go look for them." She says shakily struggling to stand again. "What do you mean us?" I ask cautiously as I rush to her side to help her up. You are coming with me." She says looking me in the eyes again.

"When did I agree to that?" I ask warily. "Oh cmon you rescued me Alex. Plus now you could keep me safe. My father wouldn't want me alone after what happened days ago." She says taking a shaky step towards the entrance of the cave. "Oh.. umm about that.." I start before she pauses and looks at me.

"About what?" She asks me looking in my eyes, "u-umm it's nothing! It's nothing princess." I say reassuringly. She nods, "good now come on!" She says happily taking slow steps with her Pokémon following. I look down and see Chespin looking at me with a look. "Yes I know.. my father is after her.. but we can protect her from him right?" I ask with a whisper.

Chespin looks at me with a cautious look but nods. "I know we can." I whisper again. "Hurry up you two!" Harmony shouts and I follow her out of the cave. Chespin still looked worried. "Don't worry.. we can protect her.." I whisper as I return him to the pokeball.
Word count - 1039
Two in one day? Wow no one expects that! But who could Alex's father be? Read on to find out! I'll see you guys in the next chapter.
This trilogy will be completed before I work on the Be Mine series again which may only end up with a prequel. Payback will be worked on though so yeah. Bye!

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