Chapter 2 - The Search Begins

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Ash's POV
I wake up to the breeze on my face. I try to open my eyes, but they won't move. After a few seconds of moving around, my eyes finally open.

I'm outside. Serena next to me, still laying down and sleeping. I think hopefully it's the next day. Regretfully, I didn't know. Serena was still in her night gown.

Soon I hear Serena stirring. She looks at me with her blue eyes. I quickly hug her in my arms, so tightly, that she had to tell me to stop.

I kiss her. It feels as though it's been forever since I done so. I don't know why. I know it hasn't. As she kisses me back, I hear footsteps coming near.

I grab her hand, and we rush to hide behind a tree. Serena is looking over my shoulder, in fear, but yet curiousness,

Then we see a sight I'd hope to never see. A boy that wanted Serena to himself. Then all of a sudden a sickening feeling goes through me.

Harmony.. what had happened to my daughter?

Harmony's POV
It was dusk. The air was stale. The atmosphere, smelled like rain. Rain was coming tonight. Possibly, in with another thunderstorm.

I was packing my thinks. My Fennekin, Eevee, and Pikachu, all helping me put things away in a small bag. I was leaving, no one could or would dare try to stop me. Me and my Pokémon, all together. Finding our family.

After I finished packing, I walk down to the village. Everyone knows who I am, so when I walked out of the castle walls, everyone glared with worry.

I made my way over to the lab, to say goodbye to both Professor Oak, and Gary. Dads best friend. It was a sad day, I have not noticed anything.

"Ah, Harmony, come to say farewell?" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn to see Professor Oak.

"Yes sadly I have Professor. I'm going to find my parents, believe me." I respond with a small smile.

"Good. Now before you go, I have quite the surprise for you." Oak says as he motions his hand to the Pokémon garden.

When I walk outside, I see a Pokémon, I'd never thought I'd see. The Legendary Pokémon, Rayquaza, sitting and intently gazing at me.

"What's.. it doing here professor?" I ask in awe, seeing it up close.

"It wants to help. Now it won't be flying you around everywhere, though if you are in a pinch, it'll come to your aid."

"Ohhh. Well thanks Rayquaza!" I say, petting its slender body. The Pokémon smiles, and quickly flys off, back to the atmosphere.

After I say goodbye, I head off to the army training grounds. Why? Because Gary is the head of the training.

Once I walk in, Gary comes up to me. "Good luck. Now, quickly I must say bye."

I look surprised, but I respond and say goodbye, nice and quick. Then I'm out, and heading towards route one, to look for my parents. I was ready. I felt ready for anything.

Then as I walk, away from Pallet town, I find myself in the dark, and in the rain, thunder and lightning only a few hours later.

I had no where to go. I found a tree, that luckily had a hole in the trunk, that I climbed into. I found it in my strength to sleep.

Serena's POV
I screamed. I was grabbed, and Ash too. We were being dragged off in different directions.. me in the direction of Cinnabar Island, and Ash, the direction of Saffron city.

As I was screaming frantically, trying to reach out to Ash, I could see Ash reaching out to me as well.

I starting crying, sobbing uncontrollably at the thought of being prisoner. I was once, it was horrible. I couldn't bare the thought of it.

The next thing I know, something gets put in my mouth, and a bag goes over my head, now blocking all light from my eyes

I couldn't see anything, but I could hear Ash yelling to let me go. I wish this was a dream. A sick dream, that I shouldn't be having.

I know the boy that got us both, is under the control of someone. I saw the look in his eyes as he came up to me and Ash.

Eventually, me screaming and crying out of whatever was gagging me, got the people who separated me from Ash angry, because all I saw was black..

Before I passed out, I heard them say something. "Notify the General. He will now have control over all units in the Kanto region. And notify our boss, we have his prize."

I instantly knew what was happening. I was being taken somewhere, to their boss whoever it was. And now, somehow the general will now have control.. over everything..

No.. no it couldn't be! The General is working with this person?! Oh no this is bad.. unless they change a law.. they are going to fake Harmony's death.. or suicide..

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