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It's been only a few days since Shadow disappeared. The General lost his status and is in prison for treason. The second in command, Luna gained the title of General. The high tension between the regions have been extinguished and the threat of world war is no longer a thing in anyone's mind.

Harmony and Alex told Ash and Serena they had feelings for each other and Serena was extremely happy. Ash was also happy but is wary. Harmony doesn't care and enjoys time with Alex all day everyday. Winston is back to his duty of protecting Harmony and it's peaceful.

"Good morning Princess." Winston says as Harmony walks out of her room smiling. "Hey Harmony!" Alex shouts and hugs Harmony tightly. "Hey Alex!" Harmony shouts back hugging him and kissing his cheek. "How are you doing this morning?" Alex says grabbing her hand and walking her towards somewhere.

"I'm doing okay. Where are we going?" Harmony responds wondering where they were going. "Can I not just take you for a walk?" He asks. "Oh I'm sorry I thought we were going somewhere." She responds looking happy anyway. Ash and Serena were watching from behind them. They were happy and now that the region and the world was back in peace.
They were most happy that their daughter found someone.

However.. far away someone was hatching a final plan that will take years to get in motion. But once it does go into motion, it could mean the downfall of the Kanto Kingdom. Permanently..
ooooo mysterious. The details of the third book will be released in a couple minutes. I hope you enjoyed this story!

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