Chapter 6

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I start walking to my house and go inside taking one last look behind me. As I walk inside I see my mum cutting up vegetables for dinner. I want to avoid her and try my best for her not to see me or hear me walk to my room upstairs. I fail.

"Louis is that you?"

I grunt.

"Yes mum."

My voice sounding to annoyed to keep a conversation.

"What's wrong?"

She yells from the kitchen as I make my way up the stairs.


"Well you know if you need to talk to someone, I'm all ears."

"Ok mum."

My tone still sounding annoyed. I enter my room that is to the left of the stairs. I throw my backpack on my bed and I do the same with myself. It's been a long day and I think I need a rest. Just when I was a about to take a nap, I remembered something.


I say under my breath. My English paper. I slip my hand into the front pocket of my jeans and take out my phone. I call Marie.


"Hey Marie, it's Louis."

"Oh, hey."

"Did Mrs. Peter's collect the paper today?"

"Oh, no. She gave us 'til Monday since the whole class didn't finish it."

I let out a sigh of relief and thank her.

"Well see you Monday."

"Will do, see ya."

She hangs up first. I lay my head back on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

Harry only comes to mind, nothing else.

Moving here has just been great, first I'm stuck being friends with the most homophobic people from school and now Harry knows the whole secret why I moved away from home. It still doesn't add up how he only wanted to hang out with me all randomly. Maybe he's finally softening up to people. Maybe or he just wants to lead you on my subconscious adds. Barbara's curious face pop into my head. Why did she seem surprised somehow when she noticed me? Had I seen her before? I highly doubt it. But who was Sam? Harry didn't seem to want to hear the name Sam. Was she Harry's girlfriend? I shake the thought out of my mind and drop my bag that's on the bed to the floor and take off my jeans. I go under the sheets and try to sleep. I end up dreaming about Harry, sadly.


I wake up with the noise of my alarm clock. It's Monday today. This weekend was probably the most boring I have ever had to live through. On Saturday I didn't do much, I helped my mum unpack a bit more and went out for dinner. Sunday wasn't much different, I ended up watching some horror movies on Netflix the whole day and probably gained 10 pounds from all the junk I was eating.

I get out of bed and it's only 7:01 am. I look through my clothes and get a plain white t-shirt and some black jeans. My mum ends up taking me to school and leaves me right in front of the school's main entrance. I wave at her goodbye and go inside. Lily, one of the friends I've made in my short time here, practically comes running up to me. I stumble back as she hugs me.

"Umm, hey."

"I missed you!"

"I was just absent on Friday, it's no biggie."

She finally lets go and I try to fake a smile. I feel awkward at the time.

"Plus the weekend."

She points out.

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