*Harry's POV*
"I'll see you in a bit." I tell Louis before he walks out the car. I wait for him to walk inside the the school before I can get out. After a minute or two I hear the bell ring from the outside, shit. I hurry out of the car and run to the front doors. I still have to get my French homework out of my locker so I run over to it, hitting a few people with my shoulders along the way.
I struggle with opening the lock, fumbling with my fingers and messing up every time I turn the lock. Once I finally get it open a note falls out and on to the floor. I look down at it and tilt my head, bending down to pick it up afterwards.
You can't imagine the things I did to myself while you were gone. -L
I thought Louis was passed this whole note thing, guess not. I find them rather intriguing and fun you know as a distraction or a bonus at school. Just thinking of Louis jerking off to the thought of me while I was gone turns me on. The urge to fuck him right now grows bigger and bigger, I might as well take him in the car again like last time. Waiting until after school will be torture then again it'll all be worth it. I shake the thoughts out of my head smiling at the dirty note and stuff it back into the locker, retrieving my work.
By the time I've finished closing my locker the second bell has rung. I look around and see that the hallways are now empty.
"Shit." I say under my breath and run over to class.
"How was everyone's break?" The French teacher is asking the students when I get to the door almost tripping with the door mat.
"Sorry I'm late." I tell the teacher as I stumble into the class. She nods her head and points to my seat. I do as she says and go back to the my old seat from last semester, only a couple seats in front of Louis. I'm walking back to my seat and see Louis look up at me while I make my way to it. The note comes back to mind and I wink at him and shoot him a smirk, letting him know what might come after. His cheeks flush at my actions, something I'll never get tired of.
"Is this French class?" An unknown voice is heard from the front of the class. I sit down and look up to find a tall dark haired dude with a paper in his hand looking at the teacher, clearly lost. He has an accent, an American one.
"You must be the one of the new students dropping in this new semester aren't you?" The old short lady asks him.
"Uh yeah, my name's Dominic." He stretches his arm out and shakes the teacher's hand. What a teacher's pet. Who the fuck would introduce themselves without being asked?
"Dominic? And you're from America aren't you?" No shit old lady.
"Yeah, I'm from originally from New York. New York City to be exact." He smiles at her revealing his dimples similar to mine. I can already tell he has a cocky attitude.
"Wow! Well welcome to England." He laughs a bit and thanks her. "Go ahead and choose any seat you want." She tells him. She points at the three empty seats located at different sides of the class. He walks past me and over to the row next to mine and Louis'.
"Hi." I can hear Louis' voice.
I take a deep breath before looking back. Of course Louis would be the first to befriend the new kid. I give him a glare signalling for him to stop talking to him but he won't give in. He shakes his head and looks back at Dominic, what kind of fucking name is that? A white rich white boy that's what.
The teacher begins to talk again and calls everyone to pay attention.
"Now on to the big announcement I promised before break." Small talk is heard in the back. She waits for everyone to shut up before continuing.
"As you all know the French senior class gets to go to Paris, France," The whole class cheers and even I smile, "Please wait for me to finish what I have to say class. Yes we will be going to France and wil have a wonderful time but we can't have a wonderful time or go to France without money. Many of you may already know that the school has a low budget. This meaning that we ourselves are going to have to fund-raise most of the money for it. That includes the money for the transportation, food, where we're going to stay and the tour we'll be taking. I will say this in advance so you can talk to your parents about it. Most of the class will be sleeping with families that have been nice enough to lend us their homes. Others may book a hotel if and only if they can afford it. We for sure are staying there for a week and if we raise enough money we can stay there for two. It'll be a great experience for all you so tell your parents about it and involve them in it. The fund-raising will start today because we have no time to spare."
A kid in the back raises his hand to ask a question, interrupting the teacher.
"Yes?" The teacher calls on him.
"When will the trip be taking place?"
"Good question. The only time the tickets are at its cheapest are at the beginning of February. We'd leave on the thirty-first of January and be in Paris that same day, having the next day all for ourselves. If we stay the two weeks we'll end up spending Valentines day there, in the city of love. Which is a great and romantic idea for all you couples." I look back at Louis and he's deep into thought with what the teacher is saying. He snaps out of his thoughts and looks over to me. I smile after hearing what the teacher had to say about couples. I tap on the desk three times.
Tap, tap, tap.
He repeats them with a smile covering his face. I turn my attention back to the old lady as she speaks again.
"So any of you want to start fund-raising now? Any ideas on how you can?' Everyone raises their hands except me.
"Yes Louis." She calls on Louis first.
"Me and," he looks at me and his eyes wide. I know he stopped himself from saying my name. "Me and my friends can bake goods and sell them?" He would say that. I chuckle at the thought of him in the kitchen with a flour covered face attempting to bake cookies and having them end up being burnt.
"Great idea! You can start that today and you can bring them to school tomorrow and start selling them. The sooner the better. If anyone else wants to do the same go ahead." She says.
"You couldn't resist not talking to new kid could you?" I tease Louis once we're in the car. The last couple periods were boring as hell. Obviously because I didn't have Louis in any of them.
"Shut up." He smacks my chest with the back of his hand.
"You're all whopped over the American aren't you?" I tease again. I'm only kidding because I know damn well he wouldn't look at Dominic that way since he's with me.
"Never! Now if you can please take me to the store so I can buy whatever I need to bake the goods." He's actually serious about it.
"You're going to do them all by yourself?"
"No, you're going to help me." He smirks at me.
"Only if we get icing." Filthy thoughts run through my head.
"Why icing?" He's confused by the tilting of his head.
"So we can put it to the test." I stare at him until he finally realises what I mean. There's always more than one way to use it.
Note: Dominic is pictured as Dylan O' Brien :)
{Please vote and comment<3 Really sorry that this chapter is short, bit boring and late, I really had alot of work to do so I apologise. Thank you for 150K reads! Love you lots!}

Locker 17
Fanfiction"It's hard letting go. I'm finally at peace but it feels wrong." {Under going editing. It's being rewritten from the beginning, grammatical errors are being fixed. Should be completely edited and polished by December}