*Louis' POV*
It all makes sense know.
"You see what I mean?"
Marie asks when I turn to look at her.
"Why didn't anyone tell me before?"
"No one really noticed it until today. Everyone in class was talking about it right now before I came to look for you. Do you think you might be related to him?"
I look back at the picture and can't seem to take my eye's off of it.
"No. I've never seen him in my whole life."
"Well I better get back to class, are you coming?"
"No but thanks for telling me."
"No need to thank me, I'm sure you would have found out eventually or Harry would have told you."
She turned her back to me and started walking away. That's what Harry avoided telling me. What Harry told me earlier was harsh even if he didn't mean it, at least I think he didn't? Two can play at this game.
"Hey wait!"
I call Marie back and the librarian gives me a death glare to keep quiet.
I whisper to the old lady that's sitting behind the wooden desk.
Marie says when she comes back.
"Does Lily still like me?"
She takes a seat on the chair she was previously sat at.
"Yeah, a lot and if you're asking me because you want me to tell her to get over you then I'm not telling her."
"No no. I wanted to ask her out."
I struggle to get the words out, thankfully I do. I really can't believe I'm doing this but Harry needs a taste of his own medicine.
"Oh! That's great! She's going to be soo happy!"
She claps her hands softly in front of her. If only she knew I'm just going to use her. Now that I think about it that way, it's pretty fucked up.
"Yeah, would you like to ask her out for me?"
I've never asked anyone out before and I don't want this to be a first.
"No! You're going to ask her out by yourself. Just get a dozen roses and some chocolates I don't know?"
She shrugs her shoulders and leaves. I sigh. What am I getting myself into. I decide to go home early, trying to avoid Harry until tomorrow, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if he tried doing the same.
I'm sitting at the kitchen table thinking of how I'm going to ask Lily out now. My mum walks into the kitchen surprised how early I'm home.
"What are you doing here so early?"
"I wasn't feeling good. Don't worry I told my teachers ahead of time."
"What are you thinking?"
Guess she noticed how spaced out I was.
"What's going on in that little head of yours?"
"I'm going to ask a girl out."
She doesn't even try to hide how surprised she is.
"A girl?"
My mum knew that I was gay but only because I had to tell her. That's one of the reasons why we moved here, to avoid anymore more drama at my old school.
"Yes mum a girl."
I roll my eyes at her. Should've never told her in the first place.
"Are you sure about this?"
"If you're going to act like this then forget I told you in the first place."
I grab my backpack from the table and head up to my room. I really don't need her to know about what my intentions are.
I lay down on my bed and put my earphones on. Before I try to take a nap I open my backpack and take out the yearbook I checked out from the library. I open it up to the pages where Sam is at. He was quite popular. He does have blonde hair like Harry said and a lot more tattoos than Harry. The biggest thing of all, he looks almost exactly like me when I was 16. I keep turning the pages and find a page where it's him and Harry in the cafeteria. "Most Popular" it reads at the bottom of the picture. I squint my eyes and look at the the picture closer. I run to my dresser and grab the beanie Harry let me borrow. I place it next to the year book. I gasp. It's the same beanie? But it can't be. The one in the picture is black and the one Harry let me borrow or gave me I don't know, is grey. I look at the beanie closer. It's faded. Was this Harry's plan the whole time? To try to make me like Sam? I can't believe him. This explains why Anne was so shocked when she saw me, she didn't see me but she saw Sam. That explains the argument they had at my driveway. Harry isn't the type to do that kind of thing, or at least I think he isn't. I throw the beanie into the hamper and put the yearbook back in my backpack. I really like Harry and I thought he liked me and maybe he does and if he does I'll find out by doing what I'm about to do.
The next morning I wake up and put on a maroon cardigan with a white v neck under and some black skinny jeans. Some cologne never hurt anyone too. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and walk down the stairs and out the door.
It's pretty cold outside although it doesn't bother me. Half of me expects Harry to pull up next to me and ask if I want a lift and the other half has no hope at all.
It takes me half an hour to get to school. Right after I get there the bell rings to go to second period. Lily is in a couple of my classes before lunch, so I take advantage of the time to talk to her.
Finally, it's lunch. The day has gone by faster than usual. I've been pretty confident today, not needing to fake a smile here and there. Harry is no where in sight since I got to the school. My 'crew' and I take a seat at the far end table of the cafeteria. Lily sit's next to me and Marie on the other side of me. We talk about how Mrs. Peter's is a stuck up bitch and how her grading is unfair.
"Do it."
Marie whispers when she elbows me in my ribcage. Here goes nothing.
"Lily can I talk to you in the hall?"
When I tell her that all the other girls sitting at the table wink at her and start gossiping to the person next to them.
"Umm sure."
She stutters a bit and her cheeks turn red, more than the makeup she has on already.
I grab her from her wrist and lead her out to the hall. I scan the cafeteria to see if Harry's around but he's not. What the hell.
Lily and I finally get to the hallway and there's people around so I lead her to where my locker is at. We pass by where Harry's locker is at, on the other side of mine. There he is, leaning against his locker on his phone but I swear I see him looking through the corner of his eye. Fucking asshole. We turn and we get to my locker.
"Why'd you bring me all the way over here?"
Lily asks, her cheeks still burning red.
"I brought you here to ask you something."
"What would that be?"
"Lily you're one of the most attractive girls at this school and I wanted to know if you'd want to go out with me?"
"Go out on a date or be your girlfriend?"
She looks down at the floor as she fiddles with her fingers. She isn't bad looking after all. Even if she is I'm not planning turning straight anytime soon.
"Why not both?"
I smile. She throws herself at me and wraps he arms around my neck. My first instinct is to push her away, instead I wrap my arms around her waist. The feeling is foreign. We both jump back at the sound of someone slamming a locker right on the other side. Harry.
"Come on."
I hold her hand and pull her to try to hurry to see Harry on the other side. Just as I suspected. Harry is walking to the other side of the hall his back is facing us, his shoulders rising and lowering fast by his heavy breathing.
"What's his problem?"
Lily says.
"Who knows?"
I laugh and we both walk back to the cafeteria. This is going just like I planned. I can't help but smile like an idiot.
*Harry's POV*
It's fucking cold outside this morning, almost freezing.
I get inside my car after getting dressed with my predictable attire. I run to my car trying to avoid the coldness and turn on the heater. I put the car on drive and take the way I would go to pick up Louis. What I told him yesterday was so fucked up but what can I do. I have second thoughts on going and apologizing to Louis. What if I go and pick him up, he's probably walking in this cold weather. I decide on what's right and drive the way I would to pick him up. He's no where. Maybe he's ahead of me? I hit the gas and I try to catch up to him but he's not there. His mom's car was in the driveway so he had to have gone walking.
I pull up to the school parking lots and step out of my car. How am I going to apologize? Fuck. I walk up the path to the front door of the building and to my locker. The bell for first period already rang and there's no one in the halls. That's it! Louis' at his locker. I try to walk as fast as I can without making much noise and turn the corner to where his locker is at. He's not there. What the fuck?
I stay standing at this locker just in case he shows up but he doesn't. I go to my classes hoping that Louis might show up at lunch or something or I might see him during passing periods. No luck in passing periods.
It's finally time to go to lunch, time's been going slow as hell. I walk to my locker knowing that Louis probably didn't come today. I lean against it and slip my hand in the front pocket of my jeans to take out my phone. What if I text him? I decide on that. I struggle on how to start it.
"Hey Louis, I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. I didn't mean it, I swear. Just give me some time to explain everything. I know I fucked up but just listen to me. I'm sorry. When it comes to these things I don't know how to express myself. If I do then it won't go as you'd expect it to. I knew you would find out about Sam eventually so that's why I'm trying to push you away. Louis I don't want to hurt you. Me and Sam never were anything. The reason I lashed out at you yesterday was because I know that you'll be pissed off at me if you know about Sam. This isn't easy to say and you'll think I'm using you but I'm not. Sam is a lot like you, not emotionally or the way you are but physically. You could've been twins or something I don't know. If you were to find this out while we were still friends then you'd think of me as shit and an asshole, I don't want that impression of me in you. That's really the only reason. I'm sorry Lou ok I just like you. It sounds cheesy as fuck but it's true. The day that I saw you I felt starstruck, I felt something that I had never felt before and maybe if you'd just give me one chance to make it up to you I'd take that chance. Forgive me, hear me out Please."
My thumb hovers over the send button for minutes. Right now I'm not so sure if to send the message or not. Just as I'm about to press send I see Louis through the corner of my eyes. Is he with Lily? At that moment I swear I feel like puking. He's holding her hand? He turns to look at me and I try not to make it obvious that I'm looking. He turns the corner and I can hear him on the other side of my locker. I press my ear against my locker to try to hear the conversation they're having.
"Why'd you bring me all the way over here?"
I hear Lily say.
"I brought you here to ask you something."
No no.
"What would that be?"
He can't.
"Lily you're one of the most attractive girls at this school and I wanted to know if you'd want to go out?"
Fuck no! No! Louis can't he's-. He likes me not her. He's kidding, I know he is.
"Go out on a date or be your girlfriend?"
Fucking bitch.
"Why not both?"
I lose it. I slam my locker as hard as I can, trying to make him aware that I heard. I walk to the back door as fast as I can. My breathing accelerates. How can he do this? I look down at my phone and delete everything I was about to send him. This isn't fucking happening.
{ Please vote and comment<3 :) If you're wondering what Lily and Marie look like, I picture Marie as Nicole Anderson and Lily as Ginny Gardner. Sam looks like fetus Louis, although I will link you guys to a picture on here in the next chapter so you have an idea of how the whole cast looks like so far. Thank you for reading, tell me what you think of this chapter and sorry for updating so late.}

Locker 17
Fanfiction"It's hard letting go. I'm finally at peace but it feels wrong." {Under going editing. It's being rewritten from the beginning, grammatical errors are being fixed. Should be completely edited and polished by December}