Chapter 121

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Song for this chapter - Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

*Louis' POV*

"Need any help with that?" I ask my mum while she finishes up setting the table.

"And you decide to offer after the food is already on the table, ready to eat? Clever, very clever." she waves her finger out at me, her brows raised as the smile plastered on her face grows. I can't help but laugh at how well she knows me, she's always one step ahead.

Without another word, we both take a seat across from each other. The dim light that shines over the table, only illuminates the small space around us, leaving the rest of the kitchen dark as night. The salad bowl is passed back an forth from me to my mum, until there's none left. It's been like this for the last two weeks, sitting here on the kitchen table, dining and holding long conversations about who knows what. Everyday has been a different topic, the first week all we talked about was Thomas and how they met, this week it's been all about me. For once she finally took interest in what's happened in my life since we moved here. She was quite interested when I would talk about Harry, and all he's done. By what I've told her, she always says 'he's a keeper', and I couldn't agree more.

"So how's that studying going on with Dominic?" she raises her voice, moving her food with her fork around the plate.

I grab the napkin that's set on my lap, bringing it up to my mouth to wipe away any food that's left it's trace. "Good, good. Um, he's really", I pause, "really picked up on everything. I can't believe what an amazing learner he is. Everything I go over, he picks up on and gets it. If it weren't for his ex-girlfriend then he would've been on track with everything at school and wouldn't need any tutoring. The things girlfriends do to you," I take a big mouth full of salad, stuffing it in my mouth. "That's why I have a boyfriend." There's no shame in shading Dominic's preference in partner, and I do prove a point saying so.

Before speaking, my mum sips a small amount of water. "Speaking of 'boyfriend', I haven't seen you and Harry together since you started your tutoring with Dominic. Are you two still talking?"

Now that she brings it up, I do realize I haven't been seeing him much. We see each other everyday at school, just not outside as much.

"Yeah, yeah we are. We actually went out on a date last week, a movie date." my mind quickly reels in the events that happened that day,, although looking back at it, I wish u would've enjoyed it more than I did.

"Movie date?" she asks, "Spill, I want to know everything!" Her hands wave in front of her, excitement radiating off of her. Well, this is better than having those negative mood-swings.

The flushing of my cheeks is inevitable when she asks to spill the details, all of them. If I were to say all of them, she wouldn't see me the same way again, so I'll keep a portion of what happened to myself.

"The date was nice, romantic too. We watched one of the new movies that came out that week, I can't recall what the name of it was though. Disregarding that, the movie was nice, not great, but nice. After we got out, Harry had the urge to take photos in the photo-booth right outside the cinema, so I couldn't say no. And so we went inside, took a few silly photos, and he ended up keeping the strip of photos. Then everything that happened after is kind of a blur." I'm lying.. Being the dominate one for the second time in my life isn't even close to being a blur, more like a unforgettable memory.

"A blur? Mhm." she mocks, staring at me dead in the eyes. Her death defying glare causes my cheeks to heat up even more, I can only look down at my food to try to avoid it.

"But I think he had a better time than I did, my head was kind of everywhere. I was more worried about preparing the lessons for Dominic the next day, than I was enjoying the moment with Harry." I sigh, guilt now taking over me.

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