{This is a double update so don't forget to vote for this chapter too please?}
*Harry's POV*
"Who was it?" Louis asks from across the room.
"Niall, he wants us to meet up before leaving."
It's great and all that Niall is going. The shit that I don't like is that I can't help but think that Louis' going to want to hang out with him instead of me while we're there. He's going to be so paranoid about the hiding and shit that he won't want to even be seen with me. But maybe it's all in my head.
"Where are we meeting?" He puts the luggage back on the floor and sits on the bed to slip his shoes on. I look down at my phone where the little message box pops up, a text from Niall with the directions to the place he wants to meet up at.
"At the creek?" How the hell are we supposed to grab a bite at the creek? It's just miles of trees and water. This invitation of Niall's isn't what I expected or what I want to do.
"Oh yeah! The whole class that's going are supposed to meet up at the creek to celebrate before hand. I completely forgot about it." He his his forehead with the palm of his hand. The whole class? This shit is getting better and better, fucking shit. I wasn't planning to spend the five, now four hours before the trip at a creek full of everyone from school I hate. The only people I can actually stand that will be there are Niall and Louis.
"I might as well get the shit inside the car ahead of time. I'm sure you don't plan on coming back home do you?" My mum didn't really mind me leaving without a goodbye, she's used to it. On the other hand, Louis' mum has been calling him from downstairs for the past hour, asking if we've left yet.
"Right, uh I'll meet you in the car. My mum will flip out if I don't say say goodbye now." I nod my head in agreement and pick the bags up off the floor, carrying two in each hand. We're both not taking much, only two bags with clothes and utilities for each of us. It took a few hours to get all our shit together, well his at least. The only thing I had to pack up was my seven same black and white tee's and my three pairs of jeans, along with the lube and that kind of shit. Louis, he was being so picky on what to take, asking if he should take the gray or black beanie, white or blue shirt, gray or black jeans. In the end he ended up taking half his closet, twice as many things as me. I don't blame him though, he's always been like this. He wants to be prepared and well organized.
"I'll be waiting in the car, but don't take long. Wait. Take long, the more time you take, the less time we have to spend with the no lives at the creek." He shakes his head in laughter and follows me downstairs. I wave goodbye to Louis' mum with the bags in my hands and exit the premises.
*Louis' POV*
"Mum?" I call out. I search for mu mum in the kitchen but she's not there. "Mum?" I call again.
"In here." I follow her voice that leads me into the laundry room. She's standing in front of the dryer folding the only clothing that I'm leaving behind.
"Are you okay?" Her head is down facing the floor avoiding any eye contact with me. I can hear soft sobs coming from her, is she crying? I step closer to here, moving her hair to the side from her face. I stand corrected when I see her cheeks wet with tears.
"I'm going to miss you so much." She drops the clothing and jumps onto me, wrapping her arms around me. I'm taken back by her sudden affection but it feels nice. It takes me a minute to react until I finally embrace her hug. Muffled crying can be heard against my shoulder where she cries.
"It's only two weeks mum. I'll be home before you know it." I rub my hand gently on her back, calming her down. She finally lets go of me, cleaning the tears from her face when she does.
"I'm exaggerating I know, I know. But my only person I have is you, and you'll be gone for two whole weeks. What am I supposed to do in this house alone? It's empty enough when you spend the night over at Harry's, and yes I do miss you dearly the times you do, how am I supposed to handle two weeks? I'm going to go crazy without you around the house. I'm sorry honey, I'm only making you feel bad." She covers her face with her hands, shaking her head. I've never seen her like this? There's something that doesn't add up, why she's so emotional and so attached to me. There's really only one thing that I can do to make her feel better.
"You have Thomas?" I say. She removes her hands from her face and looks up at me with widened eyes.
"You don't have to do this Louis. I know that you don't like him bu-"
"Mum, it's fine. I'm going to be gone for two weeks and since the only man in the house is gone, I think you need one for that time, to keep you safe. I don't want to get a phone call in the middle of the night about how you heard a noise coming from outside." I chuckle a bit and give her a small smile. If this is what will keep her from crying, fine. She really does love Thomas, no I don't fancy him at all but I can't stop her from loving him. She and I have had this conversation before and we both understand what we want.
"You are wonderful Louis. I promise nothing will happen, okay?" What a lie. I know that many things will happen while I'm gone, things I don't want to think about. I nod my head and give her a warm hug, then slowly step back.
"I'll see you in two weeks Mum." I give her one last smile and head out the door.
"I love you honey."
"Love you too." And that was it. After walking out of this door I'm on my own for the longest amount of time I've ever been away. I should get used to it, hopefully I'll be going to UNI but who knows.
It takes me a minute to get inside the car with Harry. I haven't left the house yet and I'm already homesick.
"And we're off." Harry turns on the car and begins backing up off my driveway. It's nothing but silence inside the small, fancy car. I lean my head against the window, counting every stop sign that we pass to keep my mind distracted for now. Right now I really don't feel like going to the creek but I can't say no.
*Harry's POV*
"Not that many fuckers showed up." I spit once I get out of the car with Louis. I look around the small dirt parking lot with a few cars here and there. We still have to go down a steep hill to get to the creek where everyone who's here is at, great.
"We better get going before it gets dark." Louis suggests. He walks in front of me taking the lead on the trail to the bottom.
"You guys made it!" Niall yells from far. There are a few benches and logs where the people are seated at. Only a couple familiar faces from class are recognizable, other than that I don't know who the fuck the rest of them are
"Took us long enough, didn't it?" Louis laughs in unison with Niall. I'm already feeling excluded and we aren't in Paris yet. What if Louis completely ignores me while we're there? I'll just be in the middle of their conversations, bothering them? Reserving the hotel for just the two of us is the only way that won't happen, maybe.

Locker 17
Fanfiction"It's hard letting go. I'm finally at peace but it feels wrong." {Under going editing. It's being rewritten from the beginning, grammatical errors are being fixed. Should be completely edited and polished by December}