*Harry's POV*
As soon as I'm down from the tree, I can see a pair of headlights pulling into the driveway, exactly where I'm headed, shit. I turn back around hoping whoever is in the car won't see me but they call out before I have a chance to run the other way.
"Wait!" The sound of a man's voice calls out. Louis' going to be pissed and so is his mum if this man rats on me.
I'm stuck between running the other way and confronting whoever this man is, the bright lights of his head lights blind me, not letting me see who it is.
"It's okay, it's okay! I'm not going to say anything," the all too familiar man approaches me. I've only seen him once, never even talked to him but I recognize him. "I just want to know if you'll help me, I wasn't planning to talk to you but since you're Louis' boyfriend maybe you can help me with him?" Thomas says out of the blue. I've never exchange a word with him now he's asking me to help him with Louis?
"Help you with what?" I question the man,
"You know what I'm talking about, the whole me and his mother thing. Look, I know he's not taking this well but if I can't make him understand and accept me than I'm hoping you can help with that." He begs. I'm no one to interfere with his relationship he will or won't have with this man. Louis has the right to be pissed at this guy and his mother. I don't have time to be wasting on him.
"Well, it looks like you're hopeless 'cause I'm not helping you. I've already got problems of my own, I don't need yours. The last thing I want is Louis becoming annoyed with me after trying to convince him to think differently about you. Sorry, you're on your own." I step aside the man, my shoulder brushing against his. All that is heard is a deep sigh.
It's true. I don't want to get in between Thomas, Jay, and Louis, that's their business not mine. If I was in Louis' shoes, I definitely wouldn't want Louis getting into my mum's business with whoever she's dating.
Leaving the man standing there helplessly is a bit saddening but there's nothing I can do. I walk back to my car, getting inside of it and leaving before Louis' mum comes out of the house. To thing that now I have to sneak in to see my boyfriend all because his mum is being moody with her whole pregnancy shit. Thomas and Jay are the only ones to blame for everything that's happening right now, not Louis. Yes, it'll be hard for Louis to get used to reality and it'll take time but he'll get through it. Even though this whole thing is completely fucked up, his mum being pregnant from this man and all, he should see this as a good thing. The situation has it's pros and cons, he just won't take a step back to see them.
There are negatives to Louis' mum being pregnant but there are more positives than negatives. On the good side, she finally met someone who loves her, by the looks of it. Another, she seems to be happy, I think. And last, well who wouldn't want a younger sibling, someone you can be a role model towards and care for them. If I were Louis I really wouldn't be complaining as much. After all, I'm kind of happy Louis' going to have a baby sister. I've always wanted my mum to have a baby of her own but she's always said no. The thought of caring for this little precious thing is really, I don't know, heart warming. Enough of that, I guess I'm just looking forward myself to seeing Louis with a little baby in his arms.
It's not long 'til I get to my flat. No other cars are in sight other than my mum's, good. I hurry inside, hoping to find my mum still awake. She's sat down on the couch, with her fingers rubbing against her temples. Slowly, I approach her without startling her.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I whisper. She pats the empty space on the couch next to her, telling me to go and sit down with her. I do as she says, sitting beside her and pull her into my embrace. She's still a bit shook up from what she found out earlier but I can't do anything to take it back.

Locker 17
Fanfiction"It's hard letting go. I'm finally at peace but it feels wrong." {Under going editing. It's being rewritten from the beginning, grammatical errors are being fixed. Should be completely edited and polished by December}