*Louis' POV*
"Harry don't." I stop Harry from hurting Zayn. He let's go of him and walks over to me, pulling me into his arms. I take a step back freeing myself from him.
"Louis I called you and you didn't answer. I was going mad and so is your mum." I look down at his busted knuckles.
"I can explain Lou just-" I place my finger on his lips to silence him.
"Can you please just take me home? I'm still tired from last night." I walk past him and make my way to his car. I can hear his footsteps following behind me.
"Thank you." I mouth to Zayn. He is really a great person, he just needs to realise that.
I finally get to the outside of the school and turn back to find Harry not following me. Did he stay back there to finish Zayn off? Oh no. I rush back to the inside and hear Harry and Zayn talking in the hall. I stand behind the wall to try to hear what they're talking about, hoping they won't see me eavesdropping.
"I don't fucking love him! Haven't you ever heard about using someone! Is that what you want to hear!" I hear Harry yell. My eyes soon start to water. Is he, is he talking about me? He can't be. I run back to the car not wanting to hear anything else. By the time I get to the car my cheeks are wet and I can feel the skin around my eyes start to swell. I sit in the car with my hands cupping my face trying to muffle out my crying.
*Harry's POV*
"Harry don't" Louis says and I turn to look at him. He's unharmed and has his phone in his hand. What?
I let go of Zayn and walk over to Louis and pull him into my embrace not giving a shit if anyone sees or not. I let out a sigh of relief seeing him in one piece. He steps back freeing himself from me.
"Louis I called you and you didn't answer. I was going mad and so is your mum." I tell him but he won't even look at me. He looks down at my hands, shit.
"I can explain Lou just-" He silences me by placing his index finger on my lips.
"Can you please just take me home? I'm still tired from last night." He walks in front of me and I follow him. What did I do?
"Thank you." Louis mouths Zayn, he thinks that I didn't see but I did. What the fuck is he thanking him for? After all he was the one wanting to beat the shit out of him last night.
Before I can follow Louis any further, Zayn stops me with his arm. I wait for Louis to step out of the building so I can talk to Zayn.
"You need to tell him." He says.
"Tell him what?" I ask unsure of what he's saying. He shakes his head and looks down at his hands.
"Why you and me don't get along. How Sam gave his life for you, literally. You can't just keep that a secret forever you know? If he ever finds out from someone that isn't you, I know for sure that'll ruin whatever you have going on with him." He's serious about what he says. Zayn's never been the type to care for me, even when we got along. I don't know what Louis might have said to him but it feels good finally being able to talk to him like this, not ending the conversation with a broken nose or black eye.
"I will."
"When? After you're close to loosing him and that's your way of coming clean and trying to get him back?" He knows me too well.
"Why do you care? You were the one going after him yesterday." I hiss.
"Look I now know hurting people isn't the way to get back at you ok. I will admit I was going to finish what I didn't start yesterday with him in detention." I take a step closer to him with my fist at my side.
"What?" I say in between my teeth. He puts his arms out in front of him to stop me from getting closer to him.
"Wait, fuck don't jump to conclusions yet," he lowers his hands when I step away from him,"I stopped before I did anything to him. When he was pleading for me to stop what I was going to do, I saw Sam in his eyes. Now before you start teasing me about how cheesy and dumb that sounds let me finish. I get why you're with him you just can't let Sam go. You still love Sam." He says shrugging his shoulders.
"That's where you're wrong. I don't fucking love him! Haven't you ever heard about using someone! Is that what you want to hear! Lou is- Louis isn't like him and he will never be like him, you know why? Because I didn't love Sam. I love Louis and I have since I first met him." I yell at him but not loud enough for Louis to hear me from the outside.
"You can't love someone after you've only known them for a couple weeks." He states.
"I know that. I've known Louis since we were small and even then I had feeling for him even as small as I was. We grow up with the theory of having to love someone that is of the opposite sex. Well I'm done with that theory." I leave Zayn behind without another word. I don't need to be telling him about my life. It's my fucking life and I can do whatever I want.
When reach the outside of the building the police officers are still there with the teachers. Louis is sitting inside my car, looking out his side of the window.
"Sorry for taking so long." I say when I get into the car and start the ignition. He doesn't turn to look at me.
"What's wrong?" I ask while I'm pulling out of the school. He looks over at my hands that are in the steering wheel.
"I can explain I swear." I say before he can say anything. He still won't speak.
"I know about you and Zayn." He finally says something.
"What was I supposed to do? Let him beat the shit out of you?"
"Louis, Zayn was the one following you last night."
"I-I wasn't talking about that." His eyes swollen, red and glossy when I finally see his face. What?
"What do you mean?" He better not have told him what I think he did.
"Zayn's your stepbrother." Fuck.
"Were you planning to ever tell me? His voice is low.
"Yeah." I lie. We could've gone this whole time, a whole life time without him knowing and it wouldn't matter.
"Oh." He turns back to look out the window and clenches his hand to the coat I gave him on his lap.
"And about my knuckles...Zayn was the one following you yesterday. I felt the need to give him a taste of his own medicine, that's all. I coudn't bare with him beating you up." We're close to Louis' house. I'd take him to mine for the sessions and all but he's too tired for any of that.
"Why would he want to beat me up?" Shit. My mind is jumbles with thoughts. The first day Louis came to school pops into my head.
"I guess he felt the need to finish you off. Remember the first day you came and you two had your first encounter in the halls and I was there to save you?" It sounds credible, hopefully he buys it.
"Oh." He answers. What is up with him.
It's quiet for the rest of the way to his house. When I pull up next to the sidewalk in front of his house he breaks the silence.
"Where do we stand?" he turns to face me, his eyes about to shed tears.
"W-What do you mean?" I say, my voice cracking at the end.
"What are we? What is this?" He waves his hand in between us.
I never really asked him to be in a relationship with me, I just asked him out on a date that's really it. I don't know what we are, or what I want us to be.
{Please vote and comment<3 Yes I will be updating tomorrow! Sorry for the late update, I have a really bad headache and it's really just killing me. Thank you for 20K reads! Hope you all had a nice weekend and enjoyed Zayn's selfie and Harry's bum picture :)}

Locker 17
Fanfiction"It's hard letting go. I'm finally at peace but it feels wrong." {Under going editing. It's being rewritten from the beginning, grammatical errors are being fixed. Should be completely edited and polished by December}