Chapter 100

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*Louis' POV*

"Now, you have two options. Leave, or go back there and fight for what you two had, sort it all out." Niall takes one last look at me, then leaves inside the elevator leaving me to think about my choices.

As much I hate Harry right now, I can't let all this go to waste. It must've cost him a fortune to get a table in this place by the looks of it. He's wearing a stupid suit to begin with. He's really is trying to make this perfect. The least I can do it go through with this this only tonight. Unless he has a good enough explanation for everything that happened, I won't hesitate to buy the next plane ticket out of Paris.

It takes me all the strength I have to march back into the place where hell broke loose only a few minutes ago. My mind ponders on the words that Niall told me. He said Harry was miserable, didn't sleep for days, but the thing that pains me the most is to hear about him crying. It's not healthy for a person to lock themselves and let out all their emotions there without telling anyone. If there's anyone who will he'll open up to, it's me.

I take a deep breath before stepping back into the far end of the restaurant, I prepare myself to listen to everything he has to say coming from him this time. The possibility of the things that he might say having a good impact on me are slim. I know one thing, Harry will end up making me feel pity for him and maybe that's what he wants but I can't be too sure. Maybe those aren't his intentions at all, what if he really wants me back?

My heart pounds faster and faster as I approach Harry. He's a few feet away, sitting on the chair with his tie loosened and head hanging low in between his shoulders, defeated. Seeing him this way is truly heartbreaking and it pains me but I need to look past that right now. I put all my emotions aside and continue on with what I think is the right thing to do.

"Are you okay?" I try not to sound too concerned, I really don't want Harry to think he's getting on my soft side.

He quickly bobs his head up, surprised by my presence. By the looks of the stacked cups and folded napkins, it look like he lost hope in me coming back. I step closer to him realizing his eyes are red and slightly swollen, he was crying. He soon takes notice at what I'm looking at, he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand, sniffling a bit. I feel my stomach start to turn as he stands up approaching me. As he approaches me, his eyes dart down in defeat.

"I'm sorry." He says under his breath still looking down. Sorry has been said too many times during this relationship that it's lost its meaning. Sorry? What exactly is sorry now? It's just a word that you say to try to fix things after something bad happens, that's all it is.

"Sorry doesn't cut it anymore Harry and you know that." I point my finger to his chest. "Do you have any idea what I went through these past few days? You can say that you do know but I don't think you do. All I did was think. Think about why you did what you did, how did you do it, when did you plan on breaking up, where had we gone wrong, was I the reason for it? All these questions kept running through my head, back and fourth non-stop. It was like I was some kind of robot who's job was to just think about those kinds of things, and it was tiring." I can feel my eyes begin to water, suck it up, my subconcious tells me and I do just that. "I could go on about all the emotions and withdrawls encountered while you were gone but I'm not. I'm not going to stand here and tell you everything because I don't want to waste my time or yours. Unless you have a good enough reason for me to stay after this dinner, I'm leaving back home." My words come out harsher than intended. He lifts his head up, eyes wide and chest beginning to rises faster.

"You can't." He says, shaking his head frantically. I can. I love Harry, that I do but I can't just go back to him this easily. What he did this time was uncalled for. Harry needs to see that he can't do these kinds of stupid stunts with no reason behind them.

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