Chapter 119

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*Louis' POV*

"He's going to be here any minute mum!" I yell as I neatly organize the the magazines in the living room's coffee table.

My mum's busy in the kitchen, cleaning up on such short notice. She keeps saying it's not a big deal, but it is. I can't have Dominic walk in here with this, this mess. The last thing I want is him to have a bad impression if this place.

"Why is he coming over again?" my mum asks, walking into the living room where I'm setting the sofa's pillows in place.

"Studying, mum." I say, hurriedly looking around making sure it looks spotless.

"Studying hmm?" she mocks. When I look up her hands are I her hips, her foot tapping lightly on the wooden floor. I know exactly what she's thinking, oh god.

"No! Get that out of your head mum!" I yell, my voice sounding a but higher than usual.

"We'll see once he's here, if he's good-looking then I'll know something is up. You're with Harry aren't you? Or did you two break-up again?" she asks, leaning against the wall.

"Mum, I'm in a happy relationship with Harry, so me and Dominic have nothing to hide. Swear." I admit. How could she ever think that I'd actually have eyes for someone else who isn't Harry. She clearly has the wrong idea, besides Dominic is straight, he has- had a girlfriend.

"So Harry is okay with having him over?" she crosses her arms, continuing to tap on the floor with her foot.

My cheeks flush immediately, "no," I say under my breath. Hoping she wouldn't hear me, she did.

"Why is that?"

I don't really have a clear explanation to her question. There's only one thing stopping me from telling Harry about this, to avoid any problems.

"Harry doesn't trust him, he thinks Dominic is trying to come in between us. He has this paranoia if him, it's kind of annoying to be quite honest." I tell her. She leans away from the wall, now standing up right facing me.

"Honey, I've known Harry for a long, long time. And for you to say he doesn't trust this boy, he must have a good reason for it. I may not know Harry as personally as you do, but I know enough to know he's the type of person to trust someone real fast. You're saying he does trust Dominic, the. He obviously knows something that would make him think that." her tone is soft, but serious. She means everything she says and, yes, she does have a point but Harry doesn't. Harry has no reason to hate him, it's all in his head. He might say I'm oblivious about this whole thing , though I'm not, if anything he's the one that's paranoid.

"You're taking his side?" I grunt, slouching forward.

"For now. Until I meet this-" the ringing of the door bell makes us look at each other with widened eyes. Quickly, my mum rushes to the door before I can, opening it to discover the person that's awaiting on the other side.

"Hello Ma'am," Dominic greets my mother at the door while I stand a fair distance away from the door. He's carrying a few heavy books in his hands. The clothing he's wearing isn't the same from school. No, now he's wearing a gray jumper with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow. He doesn't dress the same like he does at school, he's a bit more casual here.

Dominic reaches his hand out to shake my num's, "My name's Dominic. I sure hope Louis told you I'd be coming over, I don't want to intrude."

"Oh, no no! Of course you're not intruding! He's been cleaning up like a maniac trying to get this place sparking for your visit," she brags, fuck. Was that really necessary? Embarrassing me already.

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