Chapter 84

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*Louis' POV*

"It was stupid I-" He begins to bash on himself but before he can, I take his face in between both of my hands and lean against and over the table, crashing his lips onto mine.

I don't care if anyone sees us. No one will either way, we're both at the mall during school hours, so no one will and no one's in sight.

Harry's caught off guard by my actions. It's out of my character to do what I just did. Harry would have never seen it coming. He's been the dominant one in this relationship ever since we've started dating, maybe it's time to change that. This is the way to start.

"W-What was that for?" He struggles to get the words out of his mouth. The redness of his cheeks only getting brighter. He sits there with his eyes widen and lips swollen waiting for my response.

"Because what you did was," I look for the right word in my mind, "amazing and that's an understatement." His eyebrows meet, making his forehead wrinkle. He's confused, why would he have any reason to?

"You're not mad?"

"I don't have a reason to be mad Harry." I cup my hand over the top of his and sit there in silence, the only thing speaking for both of us is the inevitable smiles.

"I'm making it up to you, I swear." He sighs. I don't doubt that he won't for a second.


"Do you want me to drop you off at your house or do you want to spend the night at mine?" Harry asks as he pulls out of the parking lots of the mall. There wasn't much to do after we ate, only window shopping but that was about it. We realised that there wasn't much to buy, we already have everything we need. His invitation to his house is intriguing, causing me to choose between going home and getting everything ready, to having to leave with Harry and end up with a sore arse tomorrow. Then again I could bare with it, I'm already use to it afterall.

"If your mum doesn't mind I gue-" I begin to talk only to be inturrupted by Harry.

"Are you up for it tonight?" And yet he doesnt' even hesitate to bring it up.

"Up for what?" I say, avoiding any confusion if he and I have different ideas of "what we're up for tonight".

"Helping me pack?" The obvious confusion in his face throws me off my thoughts.

"Sure." Now that I think of it this might be the only oppurtunity to be the dominant one before we go to Paris. That way we'll both leave with a memorable moment while we're on the plane.

About half-an-hour later, we finally arrive at Harry's house. No cars are seen, meaning his mum isn't home, great.

"Here." Harry hands me the keys to the luxurious house of his. "I'll get the stuff out of the trunk and you go open the door." He commands. I do as he says, taking the lead to the front of the house. The door creaks a little when I open it, I cringe at the annoying sound. I can hear Harry's boots clicking with the cemment as he walks towards the enterance of his house.

I close the door behind him, making sure I lock it just in case his mum decides to show up. Once I turn around Harry is half way up the stair case to his room. My feet move faster than my brain does after I realise I'm running to catch up to him.

*Harry's POV*

"So what did you and Zayn talk about?" I ask Louis while taking off my shirt. I can feel his eyes glued to me the whole time, how can I blame him?

"He apologised and told me about how he's changed, nothing that you'd want to hear." He knows me too well. I really for have time to listen to the bullshit Zayn told slip off my jeans and walk over to the bed.

"Yeah you're right, I don't have time to listen to his sob story he told you." I tell him as I lay down on my bed. I put my hands on the pillow with my palms up, resting my head on top of them.

"You're going to sleep already? What about packing?" He asks. Packing was only an excuse to get him to stay the night with me.

"I'm tired, there's always tomorrow." He frowns at the my words. "Aw come on." I pat the bed signalling for him to lay down next to me. He lays his head down on my chest, just what I wanted.

Within a few minutes I'm already in deep sleep, without a care in the world because Louis' here.
Only moments later I can feel him playing with the band of my boxers. This isn't like him.

"Louis, not now." I shake my head, half asleep, placing my hand over his to stop him. I really am tired but I don't want him to so this. It's like he's forcing himself to do this shit to please me.

*Louis' POV*

"So what did you and Zayn talk about?"
Harry asks taking his shirt off. My mind instantly becomes blank, no words or thoughts. His back is facing me, revealing his muscular. I had never really noticed how fit Harry is, despite the many time a I've seen him shirtless. There's so many things I over look when he's not clothed. The scar that splits through the middle of his chest, his tattoos, his abs, really just everything. I'm not attracted to his body in that way. I'm attracted to his way of being and him, just him. It's not that I don't like his body or love it, I do. I guess I surpassed that and never payed attention to it, I love him for him. If it weren't the case, then I would have already asked about what his tattoos mean and what the scar is from. Although I have an idea of what caused that scar, I just don't have the heart to ask him about it.

"He apologised and told me about how he's changed, nothing that you'd want to hear." He takes off his jeans, throwing them into the hamper of dirty clothes. It's only about six in the afternoon and he's already taking off his clothes?

"Yeah you're right, I don't have time to listen to his sob story he told you." He lays down on the bed and rests his head over his hands. He crosses his legs, closing his eyes as he does so.

"You're going to sleep already? What about packing?" There is no reason why he should be tired in the first place? Walking around the mall wasn't that tiring.

"I'm tired, there's always tomorrow." I frown at the words. "Aw come on." He pats the empty side of the bed next to him. I walk over to him, rolling my eyes as I go. Slowly I slip out of my own clothes, followed by me laying down my head on his chest. Before I know it Harry's snoring shakes me up, it's not loud or an exaggerated snore, they're small gentle snores. His chest rises up and down with my head. I attempt to sleep but I can't.

With one glance up at him my temptation has grown bigger. My fingers trail up and down his torso. After I see that it's not working, I play with the band of his boxers, pulling and letting go. He soon takes notice of my action, his eyes opening slowly.

"Louis," his voice is groggy, "not now." He says putting his hand over mine and shaking his head. What? The time that I actually want and look forward to do something he rejects it? No.

Without any warning, I move my body on top of his lap. Pulling down his boxers in a matter of seconds alarms him.

"Louis what are yo-" He stops once he knows what I'm doing.

I look at him from under my eye lashes, moving my hand up and down his length. My mouth hovering over the head of it, waiting for Harry to beg for it.

{Please vote and comment<3 Sorry for any typos, I did this chapter on my phone so yeah. This chapter is short I know I haven't been updating like I usually do so I'm sorry about that. So today was my last day of exams so I'll be back on track! Hope you're all doing well, ily 💕}

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