Chapter 97

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*Louis' POV*

"What are you doing here?" I ask. Liam stands in the hall with a small smile spread across his face. "Wait, how did you know I was here?" There are so many questions to ask him, first of all he's not even in French class.

"Calm down, I figured I'd come and see if you've told Harry yet. You know about-"

"No, no I haven't. Either way I don't have to tell him anymore." I tell him, walking away from the door to the unmade bed. Liam follows me, closing the door behind him. He admires the room in awe as he follows my lead.

I sit on the bed, legs crossed and head leaning against the head board of it. Liam looks around, then sits down on the edge of the bed in front of me.

"You still haven't answered how you knew I was here." I press. The only way he could've known is if he talked to Harry. That being the only answer.

He plays with his fingers, looking around the room before answering. "I figured since you and Harry broke up I-"

"Wait, how do you know we broke up?" Harry wouldn't have the guts to tell him or maybe he would.

"H-Harry told me. Um, I called him earlier and he told me you two weren't together. He also mentioned you staying here so I felt the need to come here, to help you through it." His cheeks are bright red and he's avoiding any eye contact but I'll let it slip.

"At least you're caught up with everything. The break up and Paris." I sit up straight on the bed, looking straight at Liam.

"Guess our bet's off. About the whole 'if you don't tell him I will' ?" He asks. We did make that promise but even if I and Harry were still together I wouldn't have stayed faithful to the agreement. This makes me feel better though, not having to worry about telling Harry about my medical issues. That's one way to look at this positively, I think.

"It's off." I say. He stands up off the bed and begins to walk around the room to the window.

"Beautiful view you have here. I seriously wouldn't have expected Harry to do this. Him breaking up with you is, unbelievable. I could've sworn you two were gonna last." His words burn at my chest. He says he could've sworn Harry and I would last, what the hell am I supposed to feel now? Nothing was wrong in our relationship. The Sam thing would eventually blow over, if anything I should've been the one who was supposed to break up with him, not him with me. Unless he was scared that I would break up with him so he did it first. That way he wouldn't look like an idiot. Maybe if I would've talked first and told him how I was taking the whole Sam shit, this wouldn't be happening. Liam wouldn't be here, Harry would. I wouldn't be miserable in bed, I'd be here laying with him, skipping another day of the tour simply because he was too sleepy. Everything could've been better, could've.

"What do you say?" Liam asks. I was too busy thinking about Harry that I spaced off from listening to Liam.

"About what?" I feel bad for asking. It's not my fault that Harry has completely taken over my head.

"Grabbing a bite, to get your mind off of whatever you were just thinking of." A small crooked smile spreads across his face. He's right. I haven't eaten in two days and this would be the only way I would eat now. There's really no other option, I've been glued to this bed, only getting up to go to the restroom. This would be an escape from all this shit.

"That sounds wonderful. I do need a break from this place." I stand up from the bed, not bothering to make it. That's what room service is for right?

I grab a sweater that's been laying on top of the couch in the living room since Harry left. It's his sweater, not mine. The only thing he left behind when he left. His smell still lingers on it, somehow it soothes me but breaks me at the same time.

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